Chapter 5 - Aldora

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   Joseph has been searching for someone to marry me off to. Like that's going to happen.

   Last week he visited Adonis, I don't know what idea was pitched to him but he was always deep in thoughts in this past week. I'm starting to get curious now.

   Right now, I'm on a call with Beau. Discussing about the deal tonight. I have to find a way to sneak out somehow.

  "I can find a distraction to bust you out of that prison cell of yours." Beau said

   "What is this distraction going to be?" I asked

"I'll figure something out."  Beau answered

  "Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes, A." Beau said

  I hung up. Sighing, I sat back on my bed. Today's deal was important. The package that was to come can't fall in anyone else's hands. I have to be ready with a sneak out plan just in case the distraction didn't work.

  "Aldora." I heard mum calling me

I opened the door and yelled, "Yes mum."

   "Could you please come down for a minute?" Mum called out

"Coming mum." I yelled

   I went downstairs. Joseph, James, Amala and Mum sitting on the couch. This is starting to seem suspicious. I mean sure, there's nothing suspicious about sitting on a couch together but they way they're sitting is. They are just too tense. I don't get it.

   "Yes mum. You rang?" I smiled at my mum

"Please sit sweetie. Joseph has something to tell you." Mum said

  She is way too tense. Joseph has something to tell me, huh? If it has gotten my mum so tense then I don't know how good that is going to be.

    "I think I'll just stand." I said straightening my jacket

  "Whatever bitch." James mumbled

"James." Mum hissed

  "Aldora, you are getting married to Ian Rodriguez." Joseph said

"So you finally found someone to marry me off to, huh?" I asked

  The name was familiar. Ian? Where have I heard that name before. Just like that it hit me like a giant piano fell on top of me.

    Ian Rodriguez! He was the guy I had to make the deal with tonight. He didn't exactly have an amazing reputation. He is 29, married 3 times and all three of his wives killed themselves. From what I remember, the three girls had quite a fighting spirit, they didn't take shit from anyone and were quite fiesty. Their fathers married them off to Ian Rodriguez in order to tame them but in the end all three just killed themselves. He treats women like crap, beats them up and only heaven know what else.

  That's the kind of guy he wanted me to marry? No way in the fucking hell! He thinks I'll go through with the marriage. I don't even know where he got that idea in his head in the first place.

  "Uh, how about a no?" I said crossing my arms

"This is not up for discussion. You will marry Ian in two weeks. I'll be speaking to him tomorrow and arrange everything. If you value your life then don't you dare say no." Joseph said calmly

  "As if you could even hurt a hair on my head." I scoffed

"Don't try to test me. You better be ready. You are getting married whether you like it or not within two weeks to Ian Rodriguez." Joseph said getting up to leave

   "We'll see." I said to his retreating back

Two weeks, right? You'll be searching me for a long time and when you finally find me that will the last day of your life Joseph. Be ready. You have just stepped in my game and even when you try too hard, you won't be leaving alive.

   "I'll be in my room. Don't disturb me if you value your lives." I said

  None of them said a thing. They knew not to. My anger was not one that will get you by with yelling. I will break your bones.

  So, I had to plan a great escape. Not yet though, my plan is going to be great and they'll be sorry to have messed with me.

  My phone pinged. Who's texting me now?

  Everything is set! Five minutes and everything will be in motion. Jump off of your balcony as soon as it happens.

It was Beau. So, his distraction was going to be in motion soon. I have to change. I went in my closet towards the very back. My clothes and my  pre-deal mask were in the very back.

   I got my denim mini skirt, crop top and black leather jacket. I wore knee high black boots. I didn't remove my blonde wig, can't let anyone find out yet.

   I pushed aside my winter coat, there was a keypad. I quickly punched in the code. My weapon compartment opened.

   I got my daggers, hiding one under my skirt, four in jacket, another two in the sleeves of the jacket. I hid another two in my boots and strapped two outside on the boots. I got a revolver and stuck it in the back of my skirt, my belt helped in keeping it in my place.

   At exact five minutes, most men started rushing towards the front gates, all of them armed. I don't even want to know what the distraction is, with Beau, anything is possible and it's always crazy.

   I double checked my doors to be sure that it's locked before making way to the balcony. I looked around to see if anyone was around or below, when I was sure that there was no one around, I jumped off my balcony.

  I landed safely on black gymnastics mat. I looked towards a tree in the lawn to find a silhouette of a guy leaning against it. I squinted my eyes in time to see someone come up on him from him and slit his throat. His body fell on the ground with a light thud.

The guy made his way towards me. I smiled. The two of us together dragged the mat and hid it in the nearest storage. We didn't bother with the body. It was useless to waste our energy on it.

   We got out of the back doors. We got in the car that was waiting nearby. I removed my wig and threw it in the back.

  When we passed the front, it felt as though I have entered a blood bath. What happened here?

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