Chapter 9: I still like you

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Hyunjin's POV:

The members of itzy were inside the living room of Minho hyung's house while me and the other guys were outside the garden, but my attention was focused on Ryujin and seeing her with her members makes my heart feel at ease, she's been through a lot and seeing her happy again surely makes me happy too.

"You're unfair Hyunjin and Minho hyung, how could you hide her and keep it a secret from us?"

Jisung whined and he was followed by Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin. I glanced at Minho hyung and he seemed to be unbothered by the childish rants of the people around him since he was busy playing with Dori his youngest cat.

"She was at her worst 3 years ago"

I said which made them quiet, I saw her breakdown so many times and I thought that her brother's death was the worst but I was wrong, the incident 3 years ago broke her so much that it took her years to build herself again.

"It must have been hard for you too"

Chan hyung said with a worried look which made me nod as an answer, the members of TXT were also here with us but they were just listening to our conversation, the feeling is quite new that Yeonjun hyung was also here with us, I've never really talked to him for years, I'm mad and annoyed at him for what he did, I chose not to meddle with their growing relationship back then even if I liked Ryujin so much because he told me that he love her too, that he will protect and take care of her but he did the opposite thing for everything that he promised and I resent him for that.

"It really was hyung, I saw my best friend in a beaten and dying state"

I bit my lower lip as I remembered that scene again, where Yeonjun hyung was carrying Ryujin's body, I was scared as hell that night, the thoughts of losing Ryujin was too much for me, I can't lose her, everyone knows how much she means to me and I was so close to losing my mind that night.

"For months I was uncertain if she will still wake up or not"

Those times where she was only laying on the hospital bed, I never left her side. I kept on hoping that she will wake up soon because of how much I miss her, the way she smiles brightly, her whisker dimples showing whenever she's happy, how she would give me heartfelt advices, our constant arguments and bickering I just missed everything about her during those days.

"And when she did wake up, she tried to kill herself again"

That moment where I was just in time to stop her from slashing her wrist, I almost had a mini heart attack there, she was too hurt that she would do anything just to kill herself.

"I feel bad for Ryujin, she didn't deserve all of those"

Felix said with a sad smile and he glanced at Ryujin too, I chuckled when Chaeryeong hit Ryujin with a toy hammer since the girls were playing inside.

"That's why I took a hiatus back then, I wanted to take care of her"

I took a month long hiatus and I stayed at New York with my family and Ryujin because I just can't think straight during those times if I can't see her, I just told my members that I would help my parents settle there but the truth is I was taking care of Ryujin.

"She had to go through therapies and I can't let her go alone"

The first month Ryujin would just space out and she barely talked, I haven't heard her voice during that time, she always had no appetite and she always cried at night, it hurts me seeing her like that and I would do whatever it takes to make sure that she won't go back to that state again.

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