Defending Her Honor.

21 1 0

Fujin was at the back of the dropship sitting down cross-legged meditating trying to prevent everything that happened on the last time he was going on a mission with the team. And this time he was doing a really good job on that, Mercy's medication was doing a really good job with that. Some pills was it all, but they did get some of the job done. His problems were too heavy for some pills to just be enough but he was hopeful that with work he could get there one day. His ears were glued to what the commander was saying in  the holoscreen. 

"There is a terrorist attack which i unfortunately can not help you with because i am needed in a nother front facing a same threat. Good luck agents, the people believe in you." He saluted before he dissapeared since the transmition was over. Fujin had both his hands on his thighs as he was controlling his breathing. No sign of an anxiety attack or anything, which made him more than happy. Lena walked and sat next to him as the rest of the team went on to sit down on their seats and started having conversations about various subjects. "The hat suits you." The samurai never opening his eyes but the grin on his face could not be hidden. "I look rediculous don't i?" after saying that he could not hold anymore and chuckled slightly. "Just think you need a smaller one, luv." he mocked her and now it was Lena's turn to chuckle at him. A little batner was good before going into a fight. He opened his eyes now and looked at his side, in his eyes he was seeing the most perfect human being in the world, Fujin put his left hand on her thigh getting her to look at him. Using his right he lifted the hat a little bit higher to he got access to her eyes. "I love you. Don't forget that." there was a smile after that sentence which filled Lena with love and admiration for him and how far he had come. From rejecting the Overwatch offer to being to publicly open about his relationship. Trully a beauty to witness, especially when you are the reason for most of those things. 

There was a slight thud which meant that the dropship landed. Fujin took the hat off of Lena and looked at her in the eyes "Be careful." he pulled the hat over his head, it was like he changed personality. His stance was more of a warriors or a hunter waiting for pray. Slightly leaning forward with his head looking down but his eyes taking in every angle around him. It was scary if you were on the wrong side. 

It was a mix of what looked like Talon soldiers and Omnics. A thought of his is that if killing was right now that people were actually watching, within seconds he decided that he would spare as many as he could and the rest of them could rot in hell for all he cared. "What are the orders?" the samurai asked through comms. "Funny that question came from the person who didn't want to join because he doesn't do good with orders." That was Mercy and she loved when she could get the chance to mess with him. Fujin frowned at the comment before he knocked out two terrorists and quickly taking cover to avoid being shot at. "You and Tracer move south and take care of the riot over there." that was Jack Morisson over the comms. Out of instict Fujin even though no one saw, he then started making his way towards that riot. Lena blinked her way on the rooftops clearing trouble up there when she saw Fujin on ground level knocking out people. Then blinked down next to him before shooting a guy in the leg who was about to smack her man. "I had that one." he glared at the woman "I'm sure you did babe." the brunette grinned at him and got a glare before he threw 3 kunai rendering three rifles useless and in a matter of seconds he had the holders of those rifles on the ground. That's when a loud thud was heard in the distance infront of them, through the dust a shirtless man walked out who wore a giant glove. "Shit.." Lena said taking a step back "What?" Fujin asked getting ready to fight. "He, we had a fight once and he destroyed my accelerator... i can't do this.." she looked away. The memories were bad, she remembered how it felt like blinking in and out of existance, being alive and the next second she wasn't. It was truly a nightmare. "Take care of the people, i'll handle this." there was doubt in her mind, Lena had seen him take out all three, Winston, Genji and her before winston could take him down. "Fujin-" there was no time for her to continue, a car door came flying in and it would have cut her in half if the samurai wasn't there to pull her out of the way. "Not up for discussion." he glared at her before walking toward his oponent.

When the Tracer leaves a mark.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora