Chapter 3

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A/N- Sorry this is so late, I've been very distracted trying to get a job and such. Anyway, enjoy 

 -Third Person P.O.V-

*Location- Jackson Ave street*

Peter kept his head down as he continued to walk home, one arm wrapped protectively over his chest while his other hand played with the end of his sleeve. He kept his head down, not wanting to catch anyone's attention.

He couldn't stop thinking about Bucky and just how kind he really was, Peter had always thought no one would ever be so nice to him, let alone The Winter Soldier. Although, it wasn't really The Winter Soldier was it, it was Bucky Barns.

'And- well if you ever need somewhere safe to go, or want some peace. Or to talk, come here okay,' the words echoed through his mind with every step he took. He trusted Peter enough to not only help him, but let him go back there if he needed.

A small, almost unnoticeable part of him was doubting it was all true, and that Bucky had just lied to him about it all and he didn't really want Peter anywhere near there again. But he- he seemed so sincere.

'Stay safe.'

Peter shakes his head of all the thoughts, he knows if he needs he can go there and he'll be forever grateful for the help Bucky has already given him. Although he was still in a little pain, he was feeling better then he had this morning and was now full from having food given to him. It almost made him never want to leave and go back to the Hell he calls home, but he knew he couldn't do that.

His feet kept him moving, and he wished he could stay out longer. But it was already 5:30 and he knew he was probably already in trouble for being out later then normal, and yet, he couldn't find it in himself to care. Because he finally had a second option, sure, it could be fake, but for now, he would believe it in order for him to at least feel a little safe.

Peter knew his uncle would have left already, he leaves at 5 every afternoon for work and won't be home until 1am if he's lucky. He knows this means May will be home and waiting for him and there will be no way of him stalling or stopping the woman from hitting him.

His mind wandered back to Flash and what he might do when he gets back to school. He really, really hoped that Flash won't bother him for a while, or at least know who it was who stopped him. He knew Flash wouldn't keep his mouth shut if he knew it was The Winter Soldier who had been there, and he didn't want Bucky and the others to get caught because of him.

After ten more minutes of walking he finally made it to the small apartment. It was one of many in the huge complex, and Peter had been living there for almost his whole life. He never got to know his neighbours, they came and went like day and night, as far as he knew, he his uncle and aunt were the longest residents there, at least around them.

The complex wasn't the nicest thing to look at, it was crumbling in some parts and looked old. His apartment wasn't much different in fact, the lock on the door hardly worked and there were damp patches on the ceilings from the above residents. No matter how many times they spoke to the landlord, it would never be fixed so Peter was used to it all by now.

They never did have much money, Ben would work every day for a long time and that paid okay, but it wasn't enough to get them through. So May works at the hospital as a nurse, Peter silently hoped that she treated the patients better than she did him. She would normally work the nightshift and would leave around 10 and not get back till around 6. Ben would still be asleep when she got home, and she would find time before going to bed for hurting Peter and making sure he stayed quiet before going to school. Although the worst was always when he got home from school, with no Ben there, there was no need for restraint.

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