Before It Sinks In

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Sooryeon drop Seo Ah to her grandparents (Logan's fam)and went to the hospital where Logan was getting treatment and currently confined. As she walked through the hallway of the hospital, she was nervous, she didn't know what to react. When she was already in front of Logan's room. She wears a gloves, gown and some other coverings to avoid some bacteria that might worsen the patient's illness.

She went inside and she saw Logan lying sleeping peacefully. Her tears fall down from her beautiful eyes. She touched Logan's hands. "You don't have to lie, Logan. Why do you have to lie to me? Ya!Logan, love come on wake up. I have something to tell you...." Logan opened her eyes and looked at the person who was holding him. He was very surprised to see his wife in front of him. "Sooryeon-ah?" Sooryeon looked up and saw Logan looking at her, she wiped her tears and straightly looked at Logan.
"What are you doing here? Why do you have to be here? How about Seo Ah? Where is she? And how did you know that I am here? You are not supposed to be here." Logan said that makes Sooryeon mad. "Why so many questions Logan?" Sooryeon coldly replied. Logan takes her hand and holds it warmly. "Sooryeon-ah..." Sooryeon cut him off "Why do you have to ask that questions? On the contrary, I have every right to know what is happening to you, let me just remind you incase you have forgotten, I am your wife, Logan. No matter what happens to me or to you we both deserve to know...." Logan took his hand from holding Sooryeon and looked away. "I don't want to be a burden to you. I don't want you to see my struggles. I don't want to see you crying again. Because if I see you cry again and I am the reason I don't think it makes a difference between me and Joo Dan Tae." Sooryeon lightly punches Logan on his chest and her tears fall down again and suddenly loses her balance. Logan wants to help her but Sooryeon was able to manage standing up. She holds Logan's face and says " No matter what happens to you, you will never be a burden. You are very different from Joo Dan Tae. You told me, you promised me that you would never lie to me. But you just lied and this time it hurts me more because I didn't hear it from you, I just heard about your illness from someone else. Logan, we've been through death and survival. But if you won't believe me right now, I better go. I don't want to see you again!" Sooryeon said and went out of the room. Logan burst into tears when he saw his wife walking out. The moment Sooryeon left Logan's room. She went home to her in-law's and the moment she entered their house, two people hugged her and comforted her, which made her breakdown again. "Everything will be fine. Logan already came from that situation, he'll survive for sure." Stella said while rubbing Sooryeon's back and assisting her to sit down. "I am hurt not because of the situation. I am hurting because he lied to me. How can he lie to me? What if I wasn't able to know about it and the last thing I would know is that he is already dead. I'm scared of losing him again, eomonim. I was devastated when I lost him before but I am more scared that I might lose him forever." Sooryeon explained and completely broke down. "You have to be strong, Sooryeon-ssi. For your child, you have to be strong. " James said and also comforted Sooryeon.

The next morning, Sooryeon visited Logan again to apologize for what she said yesterday. She went to his room, holding a bunch of food. And when she got into the room she saw Logan staring at the window pane. "Yeobo.." Logan followed the voice he heard and looked back again to where he was originally looking. Logan felt a warm embrace. "I'm very sorry for what I said yesterday. I was so driven by my emotions that I wasn't able to control it. I'm very sorry." Logan looked at his wife and caressed her face, Sooryeon smiled at him and little tears fell down again. Logan wiped it, "You don't have to be sorry. In the very first place, it was my fault. I hid this from you, I lied to you, I feel like I broke my own vow to you. I think I am not really the right man for you..."
"Shhh. Don;t say that.. For me, you are the right person and the right man. Sometimes people tend to lie for the sake of others, and I know you just don't want to hurt me. But Logan, we can solve this problem by solving it together. There wasn't a perfect relationship but being married to you feels like for the first time there is one perfection that happens to my life. You and Seo Ah are my life, Logan. SO chose to live for us, please?" Sooryeon said and Logan nodded and kissed his wife's forehead. After how many months of being diagnosed with cancer, this is the first time Logan was able to smile again.

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