Long Gone

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"Grandma, you really have to go to sleep now. Otherwise I can't go to sleep, "Jisung begs his grandmother. She still wants to walk around a bit. She was locked up at home all day and when Jisung came home he only made something to eat and then wanted her back in her bed. Like a small child, however, the grandmother defends herself against it and will go out a little longer.

"Oh Sungie, please, let's go a little longer," she begs him and holds his hand with her thin, frail fibers. Jisung looks deep into his grandmother's eyes and then gives in. He hasn't seen her that happy in a long time. "Okay, but just a short walk around the village pond, then you go to sleep. Okay?" He asks and the grandmother nods slightly and then leaves the house and Jisung follows her immediately.

Jisung runs after his grandmother with tired steps, while she looks around with a big grin on his face. Jisung has to smile slightly when he sees his grandmother so alive and happy again. She hasn't been this happy since her husband's death. But something about the walk puts pressure on her and Jisung felt it. He also ran to her front to catch up with her.
"Grandma is everything all right?" He asks her and she immediately looks at him with sadness in her eyes.

"No matter how bad the next days, months or years may be ... me, grandpa and your father will be there for you. We will always be with you and we all know that you will go the right way," she says while she put her hand on Jisung's shoulder.
"Haha, what do you mean, Granny. You're here next to me," Jisung doesn't understand his grandmother's allusion, but he'll soon understand.

After what felt like half an hour, the two arrived back home. Jisung is exhausted and just wants to sleep, but before he can go into his room, his grandma stops him. "Jisungie?" She calls and Jisung immediately turns to face her.
"Yes, Granny, "he replies, looking at her with curious eyes.
"I thank you for everything and you know that I love you very much," she says and has that certain sadness in her voice.

"Of course I know that Granny. Sleep well," he says and presses a kiss on her cheek. "Here, take this," she says, handing Jisung a necklace. "What is that?" He asks and looks at the piece of jewelry. "It belonged to your father. He gave it to your mother for her 10th wedding anniversary. This was the last thing he had before he died," she replied and looked sadly into Jisung's hand.

"And then why do you have it and not Mum?" He asked, puzzled.
"Your mother was a monster. When your father died, she didn't want to keep anything from him anymore and sent everything that had to do with him to me. Of course I kept everything and now want to give you this necklace. You should give it to the person who you trust and who you love from the bottom of your heart, "she said and smiled at Jisung with a tear in her eyes.

"Thank you, Granny. I will. Now go to sleep. It's late," said Jisung, hugging his grandmother one last time before going to bed. Unfortunately, he didn't know then that this would be the very last hug he would ever have with his grandmother again. Because she died that evening after she went to bed and looked out the window one last time.
"I know he'll make it ..."

Since then, Jisung has lived alone and taken care of himself. He had to sell all the animals so that he could buy the farm and the house, because he definitely doesn't want to lose it. This is where his father and he grew up. His grandparents lived here too. Too many memories would be gone. This courtyard now belonged entirely to the Parks.

Jisung continues to work with the Jungs and has become even more friends with Sungchan. The two of them have already gone on three dates.
Of course, Jisung didn't quite see it that way, but Sungchan fell even more in love with the boy. Even when Jisung's grandmother passed away and Jisung was sadness, Sungchan was there for him and helped him.

He brought him freshly cooked food from his mother and supplied him with medezin, because the constant crying and lack of sleep made him sick. But when Sungchan confessed his love, Jisung's heart became warm and he felt the honest love.
It is still difficult for him to trust someone so much that he immediately opens his heart again, but he wanted to love Sungchan. He wants to give him a chance, so Jisung got well and went back to work. For his father, for his grandparents... and for Sungchan.

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