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"How's the babysitter I got you?" Cristina asked as they both walked from Daycare, registering Ellis so Meredith could take her to work beginning tomorrow.

The thing she liked best about her daughter's new babysitter was that she was not nosey compared to the last one she had back in San Diego, "Good so far. Ellis loves her already," she replied, "I just hope she lasts long though, I don't want Ellis getting attached then turns out needing to get another replacement."

She grew up having a babysitter then another then another. Getting attached was bad, especially for a kid, because when they go, it hurt. And she does not want that for her daughter. Her experience was enough at least for two or three lifetimes, she does not want Ellis to go through what she went through.

Cristina just nodded, understanding what she meant, "I've been meaning to ask you this since you got here, but where's Carol?"

Her heart tightened upon hearing the name. It was something she buried in the deepest of her heart. Of course, Cristina knew, she was there after all. But she didn't know what happen and Meredith was not ready to discuss about her and what happened yet, or at all. If someone would ask her when will she be ready, the honest answer was... she does not know.

"I told Derek about Ellis," she uttered, not wanting to press further about the topic Cristina opened up. She just hoped her friend got the gist.

Cristina stopped in her tracks, tugging Meredith's elbow to face her, "Oh, Mer. Carol is..." she trailed off, "when?" she asked, full of concern in her eyes.

But of course, she was wrong. Cristina was Cristina after all.

"I don't want to talk about it," she answered truthfully, "I did not tell Derek about her, so please..."

"I'm sorry," she said, "but are you oka..."

"Drop it. I'm fine," she cut her off, pulling her arm back from her grip, and started to walk again.

Cristina sighed in resignation and followed her, dropping the subject, "I was in your house yesterday, how did you let him know? Did you call him over last night?" she furrowed her brows, "But that can't be possible, he was here all night."

Just as they were crossing the skybridge to reach the Chief's Office, she then told her how it happened, from the Bar to her house and to when he showed up this morning and driving to work together.

Her friend laughed, "Oh! I thought you were gonna take time to tell him. But boy, that must have been awkward, seeing him for the first time in a long time, in the place where your story literally began. It must be great to be Joe. He literally witnessed everything!"

"There's no story," she denied in monotone, "Plus, I had to get it done, it would've happened eventually. So why not just tell him right away? So I did!" she added, a little louder this time.

"Alright, cranky!" Cristina replied, barely stifling her laugh. 

When they were about to reach the Chief's Office, she stopped and turned her heel to walk in the path they just took, "You're a big girl now, go on," she encouraged.

"Hey!" she called after her, "I thought you're accompanying me inside."

"I can't. My husband is there with the Chief," she replied, still not stopping.

"Your what?" Meredith shouted, disbelieving.

She then stopped at that and turned to look at her and smirked, "Oh, Meredith! This story requires a long long night and a bottle or two of tequila."

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