It's a Plan

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It was late in the afternoon and Meredith wasn't sure if she was having a bad day or not. Being on-call last night and having back-to-back surgeries today was making her back ache. After updating her patient's family about her successful surgery, she went straight to the Nurses' Station and grabbed a tablet to update her patient's record. As she leaned against the counter, her hand traveled to her back, pressing it hard to relieve some muscle tension. Hearing her stomach grumble as she hadn't eaten since dinner yesterday, she decided that she will grab something to eat at the cafeteria before heading home because she was sure she could no longer take her hunger.

"Dr. Grey," she heard someone call out her name.

When she checked who it was, it was someone from Plastics. She hasn't talked to him yet since she arrived, "Hey! Doctor..." she uttered and made her eyes travel down to read his coat, "Avery," she continued proudly.

The other Doctor was amused by her and chuckled, "I'm Jackson Avery," he said, introducing himself.

She couldn't help but notice his eyes. Pale green just like hers sometimes as it changes so she bet his eyes change colors too. His eyes were perfect but he could do something with his hair. With his eyes and perfect stubble, he would look better if bald.

"You're staring at my hair," he said, once again amused, "It's not that bad. It's bald most of the time but I'm just trying this for now," he informed her.

Embarrassed by being caught staring, she giggled, once again massaging her lower back then remembered, "Oh, Meredith Grey," she introduced herself, holding out her other hand.

"I know," he replied, smiling at her, taking her hand to shake then frowned, looking at her hand on her back, "Do you mind?" he asked, putting his hand on her back as he thumped his fist lightly.

Before she could even protest, she found his hand on her back already. With the pleasure of what he was doing, she didn't dare to swat it away and closed her eyes instead.

"Long day?" Derek interrupted which made her eyes open right away.

She looked at him and grunted, "You tell me," she replied, rolling her eyes. Noticing his eyes were on her back being pleasured by Jackson, she stood up straight and turned to Jackson, "Thank you," she said. Although they weren't doing anything bad, she felt embarrassed being caught in that action.

"Anytime," Jackson replied, flashing her his smile once again, "Dr. Shepherd," he turned to Derek.

Derek looked at him, "Dr. Avery," he acknowledged him with no reaction in his face, "Slow day at Plastics?" he asked.

"I just finished Sloan's scheduled Nose Bridge reconstruction and about to go update the family just now when Dr. Grey and I got to talking," he explained as he glanced at her with a smirk.

Then Meredith suddenly remembered, "Oh, yeah. Mark. I've been here for weeks but I haven't seen him. Is he getting around, that's why?" she asked, giggling, remembering her talk with Derek before about Mark's reputation.

"You know Sloan?" Jackson asked her.

"She knows him," Derek answered for her, eyes on Jackson.

"Oh, I thought you only stayed here for a few months during your internship. I was already on my second year of residency when he got here," he replied, confused.

Meredith then turned to look at Derek with knowing eyes. Both of them shared a look until Derek laughed. She elbowed him at his side, telling him to shut up but she couldn't contain her laugh as well.

Jackson gave them an eye, not sure what was happening.

Derek was able to compose himself and replied, "Long story."

Meredith as she was still laughing explained furthermore, "I don't really know him personally but I just... I know him from before," Telling other people how she knew Mark would be telling them about her, Derek, and Addison's story. Which she was sure they'll find out anyway as she was hearing other people talking about them since the elevator fiasco.

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