Chills and Weakness

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Days had gone by so fast that Meredith found herself adjusted to Seattle's rain already. She loved the rain, there was no doubt about that. But having no car when you lived in Seattle where it always rains sucked. She could not even buy her own groceries without Cristina's help. The cab was always an option but it was so much of a hassle when she tried it once, carrying heavy bags of grocery items at once made it so hard for such a small figure. And today, since she will get off late from work tonight, she had to go grocery shopping at lunch during heavy rain as Cristina was out of town for a conference. And asking a favor to Izzie was out of context because she was still upset at her.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked from her behind as she waits for the elevator.

She turned her heel to look at him, "About to call a cab," she replied, waving her phone in her hand.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "It's lunchtime, you going home?"

Meredith shook her head, "Grocery shopping," she listlessly answered.

He knitted his eyebrow, "And you don't have the energy to go grocery shopping because?"

She gave him a glare and made a sound out of frustration.

"What did I do?" he asked, confused.

The elevator dinged and they both waited for the people to get off. And when they were inside, Meredith pressed the button for the ground floor and sighed, "We're almost running out of food at home so I had to do grocery shopping and I will have to buy a lot, so it means I am going to carry heavy bags," she started explaining and breathed, "But I don't have a car yet so I'm gonna take a cab which is so hassling because of the rain."

"Well I'm going to buy food myself tomorrow but why don't we just go together now?" he offered.

She considered his offer but he did so much for her lately, helping her to unpack and painted Ellis' room to her liking, "No, I'm fine," she declined instead.

"I'm also running out of food at the trailer. I was just supposed to do it tomorrow, but I can just do it today."

Hearing about him still living at his trailer, he got her thinking about his wife. She thought of Addison as a type of woman who would live with a marble bath, private pool, gated community, although she doesn't strike Derek as that kind of guy. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe his wife was a different person as she thought she would be by the short time she had known her. Meredith may have fallen in love with Derek's land right away the first time he took her there but maybe his wife learned to love it eventually.

"You still live in your trailer?" she asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing," she replied, somehow pleased to hear that Derek was still Derek but couldn't help herself not to let him know, "Glad to hear you're still you," she said, getting off the elevator first.

"But I am always me," he said, smiling.

Meredith laughed, "Are you coming or not?" she asked loudly, taking few more steps away from him, allowing him to help her once again.

Both of them were already lined up to wait for their turn with the counter when Derek said he forgot to get Muesli, his favorite cereal. Meredith stayed behind laughing to herself at the thought of him not changing his breakfast preference.

She made fun of him when he got back, holding three boxes of Muesli, "You're still eating that box-taste like cereal?" she asked, laughing.

"It doesn't taste like box, it tastes like... cereals," he defended himself, faking offended.

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