Charm and Ice Cream

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"That is one hell of a hot Doctor," he heard one of the new male interns assigned to him said as they all were walking on the way to the scan room.

He couldn't agree more. Meredith gave birth to their child but managed to keep her body slim. Her delicate features remained the same as she was five years ago. Although her hair was a bit shorter than before, the smell of it was the same as he remembered. He used to love raking her hair through his fingers and bury his face at the crook of her neck, breathing in her fragrance that smelled of the combination of her natural scent from her skin and the kind of flowery scent of her hair. It was intoxicating. Their hands when clasped were like the perfect lock and key. And their body when...

"Do you think she's single?" he heard another one that made him snapped to reality.

One of them sniggered, "Dude, she's way out of your league."

"You heard what Dr. Shepherd said earlier about the Attending hitting on an intern? She looked like she'd be good in bed," reasoned out the one earlier.

Derek balked upon hearing that. He stopped walking abruptly which made that intern bumped into his back. Turning around to face them, he stared at him. The guy was handsome with wavy black hair and shaved beard just like his.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Shepherd," he apologized, looking down.

"What's your name?" he asked sharply.

"A-Andrew, Sir. Andrew DeLuca," he replied stuttering.

"Dr. DeLuca, could you think of anything other than undressing Dr. Grey in your mind?" Derek asked again.

Although Derek couldn't blame him for that since Meredith was... well, she was Meredith. The woman he used to imagine undressing, but the thought or hearing some other guy sexualizing her doesn't settle well in his mind.

"Oh, no! It was not me they're talking about, Dr. Shepherd. They were referring to the new Attending," corrected by the female intern with short dark hair from the back.

He frowned, confused by what she was talking about, "I know," he said, "They are talking about Dr. Meredith Grey of General Surgery," he added.

"W-wait. M-Meredith Grey, you say?" she asked, stammering.

He rolled his eyes, sure of what was it all about, "Yeah, the daughter of the great Ellis Grey," he confirmed sarcastically. He was not a fan of her. Well, he was with her works as a Doctor but never as a Mother. Meredith barely talked about her when they were together. He was the first one to know about her condition, having early on-set Alzheimer's as Meredith told him before. And when she got hospitalized during Addison's fiasco, he heard from other else about the relationship between her and Meredith which made him feel bad towards Meredith.

"Wow! She's the daughter of Ellis Grey? The Grey Method Ellis Grey?" the other female intern reacted in awe, "Talk about parental pressure. Sure, she made it as an Attending. She must have been great too," she added enthusiastically.

He smirked at her remark, suddenly feeling proud of Meredith.

When they reached the scan room, Derek let his resident and interns enter inside first but the dark-haired intern was still in a daze, standing uncomfortably.

"You okay?" he asked in concern.

The intern nodded.

"You're still amazed about knowing Ellis Grey's daughter?" he asked nonchalantly.

"N-no, it was not that," she shook her head, "M-Meredith... I mean Dr. Grey. She's my sister," she explained.

"Meredith is your sister?" he asked, sounding not convinced, "Meredith is an only child."

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