Life Happens

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As a kid, Meredith spent time building sandcastles and it took barely a minute to return it to the rubble. Making friends for her was easy but keeping them around was the tough part. She also found out that falling in love was easy. Although in her case, she only experienced it once in her life. But getting hurt by it was the rough part. She also thought that people only get to experience things once in their life. People can get hurt and will never recover, they just learned how to live with it.

She hasn't moved on. From the pain at least. She was sure she was still attracted to Derek. There was no doubt about that. But this attraction couldn't be more than that. He obviously still cared for her but hearing what Addison told her, it messes her head.

Their conversation a few nights ago was nothing but just a normal conversation. Both agreed to Ellis know that her father was Derek. He even stayed a couple of hours to watch a movie with her but she just went into her room. Derek was obviously curious about her sudden change of behavior but she couldn't also understand herself. She knew she did the right thing coming back but what she does not want was to get another broken heart. No, she wouldn't allow that.

"Meredith," she heard someone call her name.

It was late at night so the hallways were deserted, almost deserted, and she was about to go home but there were papers she needed to review first. Derek fetched Ellis from the Daycare and dropped her off at home with her babysitter and came back to watch his critical patient, both agreed to not let their daughter sleep at the Daycare if they could help it. That way, she would be more comfortable in her own bed and will grow up as a normal kid unlike her before.

As she turned around, she was facing an intern. She was certain she was an intern. Aside from not having a name on her coat, she also looked nervous. Then she wondered why she was being called by her first name, she doesn't even know this person so she just frowned at her.

"I-I'm Lexie. Lexie Grey," she said, stammering.

Lexie. She then remembered Susan and Thatcher talking about her when they visited Molly in San Diego a few years ago. Their daughter Lexie was a med student at Harvard. In this situation, she does not want to be in it. It felt like her nightmares were slowly back to come and haunt her. Her brief relationship with his father's family was long buried. Her father, her father who left her when she was five, and who showed up to her life again after so many years, she couldn't forgive him. She will never forgive him. Not when he did something to her when she never asked for it.

"Dr. Grey, what do you need?" she asked coldly.


"Call me Dr. Grey. I am not your friend. What do you need?" she asked again.

Lexie heard sharpness in her voice, "I am your sister," she said.

Meredith turned and resumed her paper works, letting Lexie know she does not care, "I don't have a sister. I am an only child," she replied in her flattest tone.

She then arranged the papers and started to walk towards the Attending's Lounge.

"We have the same Dad," Lexie said, following her.

"We don't. I don't have a father," she responded, irritated by Lexie, following her.

She just does not want anything to do with her, with her father, with his family. It was too much. She just couldn't do it again.

"Thatcher Gr..."

She stopped in front of the Attending's Lounge and turned around to face her, "Lexie, what do you want?" she barked at her, not caring about the few staff that were now having their attention.

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