You Saved Me

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When Derek decided to take Richard's offer to become the Head of Neurosurgery at Seattle Grace over five years ago, he didn't hesitate. He booked a flight right away and was on a plane the next day. Peace, that was what he needed. When he found Addison and his best friend Mark on their bed together, something suddenly clicked and he found himself drowning. He knew his marriage with Addison wasn't like those early years they had shared before. They weren't happy anymore so their marriage was doomed long before Mark. But still, finding out that his wife is screwing his best friend, it was the trust, pride, and his ego that hit him. He felt betrayed by the people he trusted the most. Peace was all he was looking for. He needed saving. And he found it. He found her, Meredith, just as he was searching for peace and himself.

That night, at Joe's, was the first time he went out for drinks and so was she. Meeting Meredith was the best thing that happened to him in a long while. He wasn't looking for a replacement or someone he can hook up with, but that night ended perfectly. She saved him from drowning in his sorrows. For him, she was like coming up for fresh air. She let him breathe, making him feel alive again. But he hurt her and in the end, he paid its price by being back to being miserable. No, more miserable than he had ever been.

A few weeks had gone by, yet Derek and Meredith were always walking on eggshells around each other. Indeed, he respected her decision of minding his own business. They talk, yes. They talk about their child and rarely about work, but that was just it. He sometimes visit their house, maybe once or twice a week to spend some time with his daughter, but in every visit, he made sure that Meredith wasn't at home and Ellis was just with her babysitter. And although he had a lot of questions and he longed for some answer that only she could give them, he just chose to shut up and give her the space she wanted.

"Is this really necessary, Chief?" Derek heard Miranda's voice.

As he just finalized his patient's record, he put down the tablet and turned around and found Miranda and Chief walking towards the Nurses' Station where he was, "Necessary what?" he asked them curiously.

Richard looked at him and smiled eagerly, "Oh, Shep! You're free on Saturday, right?"

Expecting that he was planning something and although he was in fact free on that day, he said a white lie, "I got plans, but what's on Saturday?" he asked.

"Cancel your plans. We've got a picnic day," Richard replied excitedly.

Not liking the idea, "I don't know if I could but what's a picnic day?"

Miranda snorted, "A day where you lay a blanket on the grass where there are baskets of food, and..." she looked that their annoyed faces saying they in fact knew what a picnic is. "Chief here wanted to have a get-together with some of the staff," she shortly said, not liking the idea either.

Richard rolled his eyes at her, "Just a Picnic Day to all the staff who is free that day. You know, we could have some barbeque, burgers, and fish on your land," he held out his hand in front of Derek's face when he was about to argue, "And that's an order," he added.

Not many people have been on his land. Sure it was a nice place to hang out, the view alone is breathtaking. It was not just overlooking the city but there was a nearby river where he goes fishing every chance he gets. But the idea of having a lot of people around was not appealing, especially because people tend to leave trash.

"Doctor Shepherd!" Cristina called his name as she was walking towards them with Ellis in her arms.

He smiled upon seeing his daughter but Ellis' head was on Cristina's shoulder, "What happened?" he asked her.

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