It Started With a Kiss

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It was early in the evening and the staff had gone home except some of the guys who were still drinking near the trailer. Meredith was inside the trailer waiting for Ellis who was in the bathroom. She took a glance around as she did not have the chance earlier. Surprised, that she was as it seemed like nothing had changed. In his bedroom, he still kept two pillows aligned, draped with a flannel sheet. His pager was beside his medical journal and tumbler, which she guessed water was in it on top of his nightstand. When she turned to check his kitchen, she was more surprised as his things were still at the same place, except for the two pots of plants beside his faucet. From the looked of them, they were cactus that dried and blackened. Looking at it, she laughed to herself, sure that they were not his but Addison's. Meredith then proceeded towards his fridge to look for food that Ellis could eat for dinner. The fridge magnets were ferryboats, I Love Seattle, I love New York, and SGH as it stood for Seattle Grace Hospital. There were also two stickers of the Space Needle attached. When she opened the fridge, all she could find were bottles of beer and three potatoes. He seriously needs to do some grocery shopping, she told herself.

Picking up the potatoes, she decided to make mashed potatoes for her daughter's dinner as she found a little butter and a box of milk, which she also tasted just in case it has gone bad already. As she waited for the potatoes to soften on the stove, she also started making coffee for herself. What she found most surprising was the mug. It was her mug. A mug she bought from Seattle Grace's gift shop. It was a red mug that has SGH printed on it. To make sure that it was really hers, she checked the bottom, it has her name Meredith underneath. It was her personalized mug she had it made before. And it was still there, placed beside his same colored mug and she was sure his name was engraved underneath as well because they got them together. Meredith was not sure, was she feeling happy? Pleased?

"I'm sorry, they're taking too long. We can just leave them here and I'll drive you home," Derek suddenly appeared.

Meredith was startled upon hearing his voice and almost dropped the mug, her mug as she turned around to look at him peeking from the door.

Derek glanced around and noticed she was boiling something, "Are you cooking?" he asked, walking further to check what it was.

"Y-Yeah. Ellis uhmm dinner," she replied, still flustered.

"But I don't have anything," he said and opened the lid, "Oh! Apparently, I have potatoes. Mashed?" he asked, chuckling as he turned to face her.

They were standing close to each other as his trailer doesn't have space that much. Their arms were almost touching and when Meredith looked up to take a peek at him, their faces were just inches away. She could feel his warm breath on her face and she was sure, he could feel hers too.

And at that moment, she remembered how easy things were before between the two of them. Mornings in his trailer were the best moments they shared. Every time she would wake up first, she would make them coffee wearing only his shirt from last night that got tossed on the floor before their lovemaking. He would come up behind her, wrapping his arms around her abdomen, giving little kisses on her cheek, shoulder and resting his face on her neck as she giggles because it tickled her. Some days, she would swat him away but most days, they would stay in that position and let him do whatever he wanted to do with her as it leads to another love-making session while the coffee was forgotten and gone cold.

"Derek!" both of them were startled by the voice.

Meredith turned around, turning off the coffee maker and settling the mug.

"Hey, Rose, you're still here?" Derek asked, breathless.

Both of them were caught in the moment doing something where in fact it was just a little innocent moment, except that Meredith looked so guilty thinking of the past.

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