🥀 chapter-3🥀

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He immediately rubs lipstick and went to bathroom to wash.

Dadi's pov:

When I entered their room they were kissing and I got embarrassed to break their romance.and I called Riddhi's name .then only they realized that I am also here.she got red due to embarrassment and she pushed him and ran towards bathroom.but her lipstick's was messed and it was also in vansh's face so I told him .he also ran towards bathroom.now they will continue their🤦.

"Riddhima come fast'' I said loudly.

"Ji dadi!!!coming"she answered from inside.

I went outside towards the hall.

After 10 minutes she came.

End of dadi's pov

R:dadi you called us???

D:Yaa. I have planed something.so let vansh and everyone come out.amd we will talk about this.

R:ok until then I will prepare for breakfast.

Dadi hummed and ridz went to kitchen.

Riddhima was murmuring something.suddenly two hands were rolled over her waist.she recognized.

R(angrily):now what??after making me embarrass what you want?

V:calm down jaan.dadi understands us.and what are you preparing.(he said nuzzling her shoulders and giving wet kisses)

R:vansh leave me .. someone will come.(she said while pushing him)

V: nothing will happen.let me do this na.you're my wife and husband have every right as so I 🤧.(rolling his hands in her waist and kissing her)

Ishani enters.

I:excuse me this is kitchen not your bedroom so it will be better if you do your romance there not here.(she said rudely)and you riddhima you can stop him but you bloody gold digger.....

Vansh doesn't let her continue.

V:dare you ishani.i won't listen anything against my wifey.you better concerntrate on your own.if you dare to say anything bad about her I won't think before throwing you out of the house.understand you better understand.(Tanya di ki dialogue 😂😂)

I:wow bro just wow .you are threatening your own sister for this bloody bitch.did you forgot her betrayal.i think she had satisfied you a lot in bed so..

V:stop it ishani just stop it.look who is saying all this the one who slept with someone before marriage and got pregnant.it would be better if you don't talk in this matter.

A long tear escape from riddhima's eyes.and she ran.vansh pointed his index finger and goes behind her.
She goes to their room and locks the door.she cried whole day.vansh was knocking the whole day .(he didn't broke the door how will our riansh do romance 🤣)

At night,

Unknown:bhabi.....bhabi.........riddhima riddhima riddhima.

Sound comes and she understood whose voice is coming and wipes her tears and goes toward siya's room .vansh,dadi,Aryan,angre,Chachi ,chacha and ishani were present their.and her doctor was checking inside.doctor calls riddhima inside.

I:no I can't go inside.bcz of you she is in this condition.you better stay away from siya.

Vansh glare her.vansh threatened ishani through his eyes.

I:but Bhai ..

V:riddhima you go inside .

She goes inside.after half an hour both comes out.
D:riddhima do what I said and give her medicine in time.

R:ok siksha and talk to Deon what I said and plz convince him.

D:hmm ..but you should talk to dr.Aman once.

R:ok I will call him later.

V:can I know what you both are talking about.

R: nothing vansh.she recommend me to join hospital so we were talking about that.

V:but siya.?

D:when the best doctor of our hospital is here so what can happen to siya .she is fine and she is getting better day by day and she will be out of coma in few days..

Vansh was shocked hearing jijaji from doctor.

D:ops sorry .....I forgot to tell that riddhu is my bff(I am lazy to write full forms 🥱)so can I JIJAJI...

She pressed in word jijaji.and riddhima pressed her lips not to laugh.

R:siksha you stay here tonight it's night so it won't be safe for you to leave .


V:Dr siksha.she is right.you better stay here tonight.


Riddhima got happy and she suddenly huged siksha

S: thank you thank you thank you 💜

Vansh smiled looking riddhima.he was happy that she is forgetting morning's incident.all went to do dinner.(being lazy to write the whole 🥱)

After dinner in riansh room.
Riddhima came outside from washroom playing with her hairs.vansh was doing some thing in his laptop.his whole attention went towards riddhima who just exited from bathroom after doing shower wearing her night dress.) T shirt and shorts)

Vansh ran towards her and pinned her towards the wall.(sabar ka devta ka sabar dekh lo lol🤣🤣🤣) before she could say anything he slammed his lips to hers.she also kissed him.botb were dominating each other and we're fighting.riddhu wins
(Le me
round one
Riddhu-1, vansh-0😂😂)

Vansh's hand went to crab her soft breast.he picked her in bridal style and slowly put her down.he took off his all dresses .for a while riddhu was freezed seeing her husband's sabar.

He helped her also to take off her dress.vansh hovered over her .

V: are you ready for suffering?? ( Asking her Only for formality 🤣)

R: keep going .am all yours ( yeh bhi sabar ki Devi bangayi hai
Sangat ka asar🤣)

He keeps her nipple inside her mouth and started biting, licking her.and riddhima was continuously moaning.
It was giving pleasure to his ears.without informing her he pushed is penis inside her vagina.she shouts in pain.he got scared.and pulled out his penis.

V: jaan what happen? Are you fine.? We will continue this some other day .

R: jaan am fine.is it this first time? No na.then why are you panicking.? You continue.after sometimes it will give me pleasure.

V: are you sure? I can't see you in pain.

Riddhu catches his penis and inserted inside her.vansh was shocked seeing his wife's bold avtar.

R:ahhhhhh ..... Ahhhhhhhh ..vansh.(fake Oscar winning award😂)

Vansh smarked seeing his wife's act and pressured inside with more force.

Thus night continues like this.at about 2 pm they stopped in the same position.

Pheww ... My hand are hurting ahhh koi medicine lake do...🥺
(Meri sasti acting)

Lo kardiya update .ab vote bhi kardo.

I don't want to concentrate on family members.you know Dil ke arman.😂

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