Chapter 7 A New Threat

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A lot has happened ever since Kallen was captured Kai and his friends, and so far they have zero luck on help her again ever time they see she's with two akuma and a Noah member. Once they get near her they always end up losing her in less than a second even a tracking device was destroyed before they left to the ark. So far everyone given up but they never thought that general Cross was willing to help once he figured out it was a girl but their was another reason behind it as well. Allen was in his room thinking of Kallen how she looked exactly like her brother, but she has a different reason to fight for and something important to her as well. "If only I can talk to you maybe you would understand why I care about you. Yet you see as a enemy like everyone else you have hurt you I just want to see you smile."

While Kallen was out in her daily routine she brought Euphy to hang out after but little did they know someone in the shadows we're seeing their every move. "Sister now that we're done can we go shopping for a dress for you?" Euphy looked at her with hopeful eyes to say yes. "Sure why not I have time and I can look for customers at the same time as well. Come on where do you want to go first?" She said while holding her hand. They walked a bit but she sense something wrong even Lero was all nervous like there something following them. They looked in many stores and saw the clothes but nothing caught her eye at all, "oh man how did Road do it with the shopping and everything she did this is impossible. I think making akuma is easier then this," Kallen said as she and Euphy laugh while she sat near the town square. They were glad for a break even the exorcists aren't here but the feeling of being followed by someone was still their. She looked around the area from where they were sitting at and saw nothing at all she use her mind to find them but nothing. 'Come on where are you hiding I won't let you get away from me especially when I'm with Euphemia,' she didn't find nothing at all but kept her guard up.

"Should we get the girl now?" A guy with white and blue eyes asked his partner.

"No she's looking around right now we can't afford being caught by her but I think that little girl is her weak spot," a guy with black wavy hair and brown eyes told his partner.

"Why not capture the little brat and see what happens when she tries to get her back?"

"Good idea lets get started since their on the move I'll distract the girl while you get the kid," the raven hair explain while went out in the road. Euphy and Kallen saw a dress that looked pretty on display and were about to go in when someone asked her something.

"Excuse me madam I was wondering if you can help me out?" The raven hair guy asked Kallen while Euphemia hid behind her glareing at him like he will do something to her sister.

"Sure what is it," she answered him with bore attitude.

'Damn brat I just need you a foot away from her,' "I was walking around looking for something for a friend you see it's her special day and she been really sad since her father passed away last month, and I was hoping maybe a girl can help me out and you happen to dress a lot like her as well."

'This guy I don't trust him one bit and if the girl is depressed I would have known by then and she would be under my control. He's lying no doubt about that and he's probably after something that's for sure,' she thought for a bit before she decided to help out this guy. "I'm sorry but I can not you see I'm quite busy today and me and my sister have to go home before Tres finds out we sneaked out of his knowledge. So I'm sorry and farewell," she said as she grabbed Euphy hand and walked away from them before they get followed up again. "Sister he's still following us what do we do now?" Euphy said as she looked like she was smiling at her. She looked around and saw a man with long dark blue hair and long jacket with the exorcists mark on it, 'oh I'm so not going to enjoy this but I will have to act it out,' "Euphy come on we have to say hello to our old friend over there okay or it'll be rude of us okay?" She said as motion the guy with the exorcists mark and she understood what she meant. She ran up to the man and hugged him, "Yu I'm so glad to see you again tell me how was your search for sweets?" The guy looked shocked on the girl reaction towards him since he didn't know her at all.

"Kanda its been so long since we last saw each other tell me how have you been since we last saw each other?" Kallen said with a closed eyed smile so he wouldn't see her eyes.

"Oh I been good but I thought you hated me with the other exorcists and your brother?" Kanda said as he didn't mind the red hair girl at all but the little girl hugging his leg to death was annoying him a bit.

"Oh Kanda your so funny don't you remember I was just playing to see the reaction yiu fuys would get. So how is the guy name Allen Walker this week?" She said as she motion her eyes to the side to tell him someone was following them as they were talking. Once he saw the guy he knew something was off about the guy and soon saw the other guy and was waiting in the dark patiently.

"Oh yeah he's doing fine with you know work and stuff. Yet let's forget about him right now I think he might figure out we're talking about him, but how's your brother Tres doing?"

"He's good some times he worries a lot but we don't mind at all very soon he'll probably figure out we sneaked out in about forty five seconds and counting," Euphy answers for them.

"Damn it that it I'm going for it it's the only chance I have right now or we lose target until she pops out again," the white hair guy said as he was about to get the little girl until someone shooting at him.

Out of the other side of the street was Tres aiming his guns towards the imposter and saw that the second one was going for Kallen he began to shoot him as well. "Stay away from lady Kallen and lady Euphemia unless you want an early grave," he said as he aimed them again. They were about to retreat since the guy was so over protective of the girls until Kallen started to walk to the raven.

"Who are you and what are you really want from me?"

"I'm Rolo and that my partner Akito we came to get the fallen ones. They ordered us to look for them under the command of 'White Knights' in order to create a world of peace and tranquility. They say the fallen ones all grew up differently from what the other thought and so when we saw some people identical to or information knew they were candidates for the fallen ones." The one name Rolo said like a madman.

"It's true me and my brother never saw each other but you try to aim for Euphy and for that I will not forgive," she turn to Tres and he knew what to do was get Euphy somewhere safe for now. As he got her she looked like an angry cat ready to claw anyone for making her sister mad, "as for punishment for this crime you'll experience the worst of pain you ever know. So good bye and good luck with the pain," she said as she walked away from them while Kanda followed behind them as soon as they were away from the two Knights he began to ask her questions.

"Why would you trust me after what we have made you go through all the pain you have received? Ehy would still ask help from me?"

"Simple all I did was think of Euphemia safety she means a lot to me and i would do anything to protect her even sacrifice my pride for it. Also i knew you be great help to get Tres to come and help us out."

"I see and thats why you trusted me because you knew help would have come either way."

"I guess either way your friends are her and I like to make a request that I think may help both of us." Kallen said once she sense two exorcists coming she knew makeing this deal with them will hurt her more then Euphy.

Me: I'm so sorry guys I've been busy lately so I finally have this chapter done hope you enjoy before Kallen and Euphy wake up and tell me to go to sleep night people. 😴

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