chapter 23 The Guardians

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A/N i notice i put 23 the last chapter but its fix so this is 23 sorry about that. On with the story.
In Rome two hours later.

Lenalee and Allen had been waiting for Kikyo to come back but she hasn't shown up. "I hope Kikyo's is alright." Lenalee said as she began to worry.
"She's not she been taken by the white knights have taken her." A girl with short white hair with hazel-green eyes said with an owl next to her.
She came uo to them and exaim them top to bottom. "I'm Rima Kikyo's guardian and you guys must be her friends." Rima said as she fixed her dress.
"Wait your Kikyo's guardian why weren't you there to save her if she's been taken by the white knights." Allen said as he notice her white hair.
"The reason I never showed myself was to protect her from afar unlike the cat and the dog I work from a distance. Since Kikyo's waters protect her all the time having her away from near by water isn't the best way for to fight or protect herself. That's why I just showed myself to you guys since the white knights have been keeping track on the last twelve Fallen Ones these few years. Maintain myself hidden from them gave me a chance to misdirected them. Yet they mange to get her without any trouble taken her away from my vision."
"What do we do to get Kikyo back to us again. She part of our family and is our friend we can't leave her." Lenalee said as she got worried for Kikyo's.
"We have to get the other guardians and go to the white knights HQ to free all the Fallen ones that are still alive there. By now they have Kikyo's last remaining blood family as well. So we have to get the cat and the dog to join us and knowing that cat she will shower the room with blood and her claws won't be hold back by them taking her away from Kikyo's cousin." Rima said as she explian what to do.
"Wait you mean Euphemia and Natsume as the cat and dog. Right?" Allen asked trying to connect the dots.
"Oh they have names how nice they sure blend in well if they have names now and have a way to confirm other well intrest by getting them to like them fast." Rima said as she began to draw a circle with many ancient language she knew.
"Get in the circle were going with the cat I mean Euphemia first. I wonder what kinda of lifestyle she's been living so far." She said as they got in the circle with her. The circle began to glow.

Euphemia was at the door with Jasdero and Devit as they waited for kallen to come back. That is when a brighy light appered infornt of them. She saw Rima standing next to Allen and Lenalee. "Euphy we missed you so much!" Lenalee said going to hug her until there were guns being pointed towards them. "Stay away from Euphy she is one of our precious people we've have." Devit said as Jasdero agreed with him. The gate to the ark openand only Haiji came in alone.
"Haiji where Kallen?" Euphy said as she began to worry about her sister wearabouts. He looked at them sadly, "I don't know but I do know that the white knights might have her now. She was waiting for me to bring some people to make their wishes come true. And next thing I knew she dissappear from the spot and left her candy half eaten she never does that." Haiji said as he got a bit angry on the white knights.
"Then that means that Kai has been taken away as well. We have to go check on him right now maybe we can still save him!" Allen said as he looked ready to go.
"Well use the ark to get there he's in Verona with Lavi and Krory. Right?" Euphy said a bit worried about her friends.
As they left hope Natsume was with Kai now.

At the Black Order

Natsume was having bad feeling about everywhere he went. Even when had to go his personal business. Its only been a few hours since he last talked to Kai, but he was worried since it was his first time he wasn't with Kai in a mission. Unfortunately Kanda's group came back early saying nothing happened in Paris and they covered the whole city.
Natsume was just about to eat dinner until Kanda came up to him. "Natsume I need your help with something."
"What is it need advice on how to accept being dump or something."
"No I need to get hold on Euphemia Kallen guardian do you know how."
"Yeah it's an old way to gather back home when were back home. Euphy may have forgotten it but maybe not. Why do you need Euphy so badly."
"Kallen been kidnapped by some guy and I need to save her. Please Natsume I need her to help me and if Kallen's been kidnapped then Kai is next then."
That got Natsume worried as he nodded to help him out the went into his room and he began to draw the same circle with ancient language. As he it brgan to glow brightly they were in Verona were Kai was sent but found Euphy and the others there even the Noah of bond was there and Haiji.
"Well looks like the whole gang is here." Allen said a a bit happy to see his friends.
"Where's Kai Allen? Tell he's alright and the white knights haven't gotten him." Natsume said a bit panicked.
"I'm sorry Natsume but it looks luke we were too late to save him. The white knights have taken him along with Kikyo and Kallen." Krory said as Natsume fell in his knees shocked that his best friend no his brother was taken.
Lavi and Krory came to his sude as they couldn't believe that Kai was taken in the moment they were looking for clues. Lavi was heartbroken that his fiancee was taken away from his side.
"Well lets go get them back Haiji you know how to get there right." Euphy said determine to save Kallen.
"Yeah I do but the akuma should be there tomorrow that why Kallen's been doing now. She's going to take down all of them and is going to destroy all the evidence of their organization completely. That way we can live a peaceful life again." Haiji explian their plan.
"Then we should go save them now before it's too late." Devit said as Jasdero agreed with him. As they went through the ark again Haiji expl8an how they are layout and would be better to have three groups of four since they be looking for Kallen Kikyo and Kai. Lenalee Krory Natsume and Haiji will look for Kai Allen Kanda Euphemia and Tres will look for Kallen. Lavi Rima Jasdero and Devit will look for Kikyo. As everyone knew what to do they all agree that if they find them to leave as soon as you can.
As everyone else was making sure they got what the really need Euphemia Natsume and Rima were discussing about something else. "Listen if discover us in there kill them and don't hold back. That goes double for you Euphy out all of us you still haven't been able to recover fr9m that time. Kallen life is on your hands if you fail to get her back got it." Rima said as Natsume felt sorry for Euphy now.
"Don't worry I'll be fine and get my sister back even if I have to kill the white knights with my bare hands. They took her away from me I will not forgive them if she is hurt in any way." Euphy said with venom in her mouth.
"Alright everyone let get or loved ones back!" Lavi said as he began to get determine to get his beloved Kikyo back.
'Hang on Kallen I'm coming to save you.' Kanda and Allen thought as they would save their beloved Kallen.

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