chapter 11 Dinner Time

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Kanda been on edge as he thought about he got himself into. Since he had no experience in getting a girl attention since they came to him. Yet Allen can get a girls attention due to what general Cross done and copy him in his way.
'What am I going to do moyashi has the upper hand right now!' He was in his room think of a way when he looked at the hourglass that hold a louts flower. Even though her twin brother told them he be watching for any moves on his twin made it even harder.
As the day went on it was dinner time so he went to dinning hall where everyone ate whatever they wanted. Since this is Kallen first time her she looked a bit lost until the little cat girl followed her nose but bumped into him again. She was so scared that she looked like a frightening animal. He bent down and helped her up her feet and petted her head. She began to purring for the soft touch of his hand that made her stay like that. "Lady Euphemia how many times do I have to tell you no running around Lero~!" The umbrella yelles but she just smiled at him like nothing. "Lero right Euphy you should be more careful or else you could bump into someone else." Kallen said as Tres stand right behind her keeping a close eye on them.
"Big sister I'm sorry I just all excited about what they might server for that I couldn't wait." Euphy was too excited for that but stayed near Kanda because she also loves to be petted. "If you guys want I can take you to dinning hall and you can order the chef whatever you want to eat. Though he might be werid at first glance." Kanda said as he looked away since a light blush appearedon his face.
"Thank you Kanda you I thought you were a lone wolf type of guy but I guess Iwas proven wrong. Since the first time you ran into Euphy it wasn't at best times." She said as a kind smile was placed on her face. Euphy how ever was exciyed that Kanda is going to eat with them that she started to pull his hand to show them the way.
Once they arrive they many stared at them not even sure if they should be able to do something. "Just keep walking the finders always stare at newcomers here. Yet they're pretty all they do is get in the way for me." Kanda said as he went ot the window to get his food. Euphy folloed him like she did with Kallen whrn she first met.
"Alright who is next in line now." A guy eith sunglasses and long purple gray hair in two braids wearing a coat with the word love written on the back asked.
"Get me the usual," Kanda said in his same annoyed face and the guy oblied and gave him soba noodles.
"I thought big sister was the only one that ate that aince she's the only one in the family that enjoys eating it." Euphy said as he saw him grab his food. "Oh my good who is this adorable little girl. Oh my god i could just eat up!" The chef guy said as he saw Euphy with her adorable curiosity face.
"I'm Euphemia Millenium younger sister of Kallen Millenium the Millenium Earl daughter. Pleasure to meet you sir," Euphy said as she curtis (I don't know how to spell it out).
"Oh such a well manner little girl. By the way my name is Jerry so what would like to eat you can have anything you like." He said as prepared to creat her meal. "Really okay I'll have orange chicken with a fruit salad and jello for dessert. Oh and sine milk as well sir," she said with her innocent smile. "Coming right up." He went to prepare Euphy dinner and when he came back Tres help her carry it to the table. "What would like to eat young lady?" Jerry asked as Kallen saw Euphy sit down. "Some soba noodles and black milk tea would be good for me and a dark coffee with cream and sugar Tres as well." She said as she saw that some people were still looking at her. "Alright hang on," he went in the kitchen and in a few minutes he came back wither order.
"Thanks for the meal," she left the man and went to sit next to Euphy who sat next to Kanda. As she began to make her soba noodles taste better she heard stopping coming to the table they were sitting at.
As she looked up her twin brother stopped right in front of them. "Why are sitting here don't you know that this is Kanda's table!" He said almost like he was scared of Kanda. "So what he's not scary to us since we have akuma all the time. Also he a good guy unlike you your annoying me to death." With that little comment he felt like the world came apart for him. "Lady Kallen that was unnecessary to say even though he is annoying ," Tres said as he was drinking his coffee.
"Would you stop being over protective Kai she's all grown up. Unlike you barely figured out that Euphy hates you getting Kallen's attention when your around. So stop annoying her will you," Kyoko said as she pulled him away from the table but he had a strong grip.
At least when Euphy scratch his face with her claws across his face. He began to scream of the pain he received but not like he was going to lose blood. "Can you shut up you'll give big sister a headache and if give that I'll make sure you receive more then that." She said as her claws grew a bit longer.
Then they heard laughter and looked to see Kallen laughing at how they're acting. Then Tres started laughing and then everyone else did even Kanda at how childish they were acting for Kallen attention.
Even after theor fight Euphy would sit in Kallen lap and be near Kanda. Since she wanted to be near both of the at the same time she made kallen sit next to him. Some even started commenting that they male a cute couple and with Euphemia near a perfect family. At least the until grabbed his sword out that made them shut up. Everyone seem to have a good time even Tres and Lero notice that Kallen was a real smiled not like the fake smiles she did after the death of the Earl. Unfortunately that was when Haiji showed up with a pale look on hos face. "Kallen I got some important information that you should see."
Sorry for the long wait i was stuck on how to do this chapter and turn out to be longer that I thought. So I hope you enjoy it and please forgive me for the long wait.

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