chapter 29 wedding day

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Its final the day when Kikyo and Lavi were going to get married. After so much time of preparing for their special day. They were practically dieing to be considered as husband and wife. Lenalee and Kallen were in one of guest bedroom of the mansion that Kallen lives in. Since Kikyo and Lavi asked about a great venue for the ceremony and reception. She offered her house with a garden full of different types of flowers in different colors, and the ballroom was huge as well with crystal chandlers and huge windows.
"Wow Lavi isn't going to be able to stop looking at you when he see you Kikyo." Lenalee said as she help her with the vail. (A/N The picture that the wedding dress and the one next to it is the bridmaids dresses.)
As we the girls were almost ready Lavi was so pump up to finally see Kikyo's dress. Unfortunate he couldn't sleep with her last night and had a hard time to sleep at least he thought he did.
"Lavijust so were clear take good care of Kikyo for me. And don't make her cry or else I'll make sure you burn to death." Kai said as he stoodnext to him near the door they had five minutes to kill so they talked a bit. The whole order of all the branches were here. Even some outside friends, "hey come on Kai if it weren't for Kikyo I would still be looking at other girls. The last thing I would do make her sad she to beautiful for that." Lavi said as he walked to the front to wait for his love.
As time drew near she was at the entrance Komui would hand her to Lavi. In truth he did act like a father to her after her real father died after her mother turn into an akuma because of her sister in law was dead and they were like sisters and and her brother were real close.
"Alright shall we go and see your husband to be Kikyo." Komui said as he held out his arm.
When the doors open Lenalee and Krory came out first then Kallen and Kai came in everyone was impressed that the twins were walking together and looked like they were happy to be here. In the sidelines Kanda and Allen were staring at Kallen the most. She looked amazing inthe blue dress she had to wear. Brought out her eyes and add more to her beauty. What others didn't know was that they were talking to each other. Due to Kallen's ability that is.
'You should decide on who you want to be with Kallen.' Kai said
'I know that's why I'm going to tell them today.' Kallen said
'Alright just so you know I'll support you no matter what.'
'Thanks brother.'
As they arrive they stood on the side the were supposed to be. Kikyo came into view and everyone got up to see her. She and Komui came down the aile (A/N is that how its spelled?). Lavi saw her and she looked like a goddess to him the dress she had on was beautiful on her. But it only add how gorgeous she was now. As they arrive Komui hugged her and shook Lavi hand and lead to the front bookman began the ceremony.

Time Skip right after the vows and rings were passed.

"With the power vested in me I can the two as husband and wife Lavi you now kiss your wife now." Bookman said.
It didn't took long for him to be told he kissed with full passion and love for her. While spinning her as well that every clapped and whistles were heard.
As they walked down the the aile to the go to the reception after they get a few minutes alone. Kanda and Allen were really glad for Lavi and Kikyo for their future together. Once everyone was in the ballroom they never expected Kallen to a house this big they saw a few photos off Kallen and the clan of Noah together. Even with Tres and the earl having fun together.
"Hey Kanda if Kallen chooses you make sure to make her smile or I'll take her away from you." Allen said as he glared at him.
"That goes the same to you moyashi."
"For the millionth time my name is Allen." The both glared at each other.
As they saw everyone going into the ballroom they saw Tres and Haiji with Euphy near the the front. Kanda and Allen sat with them Natsume and Rima were there as well.
Next thing the new the doors open and Kikyo and Lavi came in along with Kallen, Lenalee, Kai, and Krory.
Kai came up to every to make an announcement. "Good evening everyone I would thank you all for coming to day to celebrate Kikyo and Lavi special and let them have the first dance as husband and wife." As he said that the music started playing the waltz and everyone saw how happy they were.
Soon as the dance was over the bridmaids and groomsmen had to join the dance as well. Once the dance is over they told everyone that the food was ready and they could dig in. Jerry along with the head chef and staff help out as much. Since some perasites type holders were to attend the wedding they made sure it was a buffet meal.
As everyone was too busy getting food Kallen nodded to Kanda and Allen to follow her to the balcony. As she left early to tell them her answer.
"Hey Kallen you dance was really amazing." Allen said as he smiled at her.
"Thanks guys even though the dance was hard for me because kai step on my foot a lot." She said as remember how bad Kai dance before.
"Kallen we need to know who do choose to be with you." Kanda said as he looked her in the eye. Both guys looked at her hoping it be him and not the other."
"The person I love is...."
(Crying and blowing nose) I'm so proud of you Lavi you finally settled down. ☺
There will be two endings one for Allen and one for Kanda they'll be posted soon so don't worry.

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