chapter 14

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A/n sorry guys I been busy a lot and finally had time to up date today. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also I have no title because I just didn't feel like putting one on this one plus I might that for some other chapters.

Kallen woke up by someone purring next to her and saw it was Euphy in her cat form. She moved her a bit and saw the bear she got from Allen on the chair so she could see it later. Afyer she cjange into her normal cloths she saw Euphy get up and stretching. "Good morning Euphy did you sleep well," she said with a smile.
Euphy smiled and nodded at her as she got up and got dressed.

Time Skip

After a long boring talk with Kai and Kikyo asking what they did she was out looking outside. Euphy was with Lenalee and Marianda (a/n: is that how you spell her name Ihave no idea?) going shopping. Tres was with Kikyo after she found out his secret of beong an android. So she kept him for experiments and analyzing every detail with Lavi. Allen was sent to check out where his master with Krory.
Kanda saw her out laying down on the grass looking up in the sky. 'This the only chance I'll ever have come on Kanda or that beansprout will win her heart!'
As he got closer she sense him and looked up to him to see what he wanted. "Hello Kanda how can I help you. Or are missing my beloved Euphemia?" she asked in a teasing way. He blushed a bit but had it undercontrol and looked at her in the eye.
"No I actually came to ask you if you would like to go out on to dinner with me tomorrow night just us only." He was embarrassed after that and looked away before his blushed beet red.
'Well this a surprise to me two dates in a row man. He took his pride to ask me might as well answer his request.' She got up and direct his eye to look at her. "I would love to go out to dinner with you how about 7 okay at the square." She said as she kept her icy blue eyes locked with his dark blue. Once let go she began to walk away before he could say anything.
Allen saw the whole thing from a window, and the fact that she looked at him with with beautiful eyes made him a but angry. "Damn you Kanda this isn't over yet," he said as ue began to walk away from the window.

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