chapter 13 Allen's big date

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After the big news of the Fallen Ones everyone have mange to get along with Euphemia, Kallen, and Tres. Euphy spends time with Kanda and Allen a lot, but hates Kai to the point that she scratch first ask questions later. Tres just stays near Kallen since Euphy seem to take care on her own. With Kallen she hardly comes out of the room unless Euphy makes her come out and play with her.
Today however wad a big day for Allen since there was a circus in town this week. He thought it would be a lot of fun for him and Kallen to go and have fun. As he walked into the hallway he bump into ...guess who... Kallen. "Kallen I'm sorry I wasn't looking."
As he got up and help her up he took the opportunity to ask her out for the circus. "Hey Kallen I was wondering if you like to the circus with me tomorrow."
"Yeah sounds like fun it's been so long since I last went to the circus." Kallen looked excited about it now. "Okay I'll pick you up at three that way we can see what else is near by," he said ad he began to walk away from her. Somehow Kai heard the whole thing and he looked shocked about it. 'Yes it's official I'm so going to win against Kanda. He has no chance with her now since the circus is a fun place for everyone to enjoy. I hope your ready to lose Kanda because I'm going to win her heart.' Allen thought as he headed to the dinning hall to eat his usual fifteen meals.

Time Skip

Allen was ready he had a white button up shirt with black trousers with his brown boots' and some white gloves to hide his hand so people don't stare at them. As he walked over to Kallen's door he heard Kai saying that she shouldn't go with him. Yet she argue back at him for being over protective of her. He knocked the door then heard the door open, and saw Kallen was wearing a black puffy with a light blue button up shirt that has short sleeves, black ankle boots with long socks and her hair was down with a half ponytail. 'Wow she looks amazing in anything even casual cloths she'll look amazing.' He was so deep in his thought that he didn't hear what she said until she waved her hand in front of him.
"Hey are you alright Allen?" She asked him thats when he came back from his thoughts. "Huh oh sorry I couldn't help but stare at your beauty I'm sorry." He said embarrassed but cause her to blush a bit as well.
"Well shall we get going Allen?" She said. He extended his arm for her to hold and they left and shocked Kai behind.

Time Skip

Once they arrive at the circus they saw booths with food and games with prizes. They went and saw many side performances that amazed them. "Hey allen lets see what kind of food they have so we can eat something before the show starts." Kallen said as she saw that the show starts in three hours. "Yeah i just hope you dont freak out about how much food I eat." He said a bit embarrassed about his weapon little affect.
"Don't worry about it its your weapon after all and since a parasite type its only normal. After all everyone has their flaws so its not a big deal." She said as she began grab his left jand and guide him to a food booth.
After ten food booths Allen and kallen were having a blast, but sometimes they felt like they were being followed by someone. Allen stopped in front of a booth which was throwing balls to knock down the milk bottles. "Hang on Kallen," he said as he lead her to the booth. As he said to try he used all his force knock down all three stacks and won. He got a big white teddy bear and handed it to her, "here you go Kallen," she received him and gave it a big hug.
"Thanks Allen I love him," she said a she kissed his cheek. He felt happy that he didn't notice her hold his arm close to him like a real couple. As they past by other booths Kallen saw something she decided to try. "Hang on Allen let me something okay." She said as went to what look like a throwing darts. As Allen followed her she already paid and had ten darts handed to her. As she took aim she hit each in the center without any trouble and won a gran prize which was a big brown bear with a red ribbon around its neck.
"Here allen this for you since you got me something I you get something too." She said as he received his gift. "Thanks Kallen thats really amazing how you aim without difficulty."
"Oh thats because I have been training since I was a kid. Since my father thought I had a gift and all he sent me and Haiji doing easy jobs like help out talking care of exorcists. Mostly Haiji just went with Skin and I went with lulu bell but they help us with our physical strength. It was a lot of fun sometimes we try to bring him down, but he knew it was to see if gotten stronger. I would always last longer but still failed to beat him. You know I never really had a father like him," she said ad she thought back abiut the Earl and how different her birth parents.
"What about your birth parents?"
"They never paid attention to me a lot most of the time they forget I existed there, but my brother Kai was always their favorite. They would wait for him or just have all his belongings where they were, but the day they died all they thought of was my brother Kai would not be able to get his way. So I just avoided Kai or just go against his way since he was always favored the most."
"I see then that's why you asked not to mention the Millenium Earl. Its because he gave you a lot more attention then your real mom and dad. I feel bad already from taking him away from you now. I honestly didn't know that he had someone dear to him. I'm sorry Kallen," he said as he hold the bear close to him.
"Its alright father knew the consequences of the plan but he did it anyways. I'm not angry at the exorcists that took everyone who was dear to me anymore. Still they kinda make me a little annoying and all."
"I'm guessing because of Kai," Allen said in a teasing way.
"You could say that but I know he just making up all those years he's been gone."
"Well I guess he regrets leaving you alone and try's to make it up. He's the kind a guy who wants be there to help anyone who needs it. Plus he like a brother to everyone he meets he won't judge someone who looks different from everyone else. That's why respects him even Kanda," Allen said with a smile.
"Well I guess your right hey let's go in I think the show is going to start soon. Plus if we get front row seats we can see it better." She said as saw some people going in.
As the found seats up front many people were coming in and the show began. They saw the ringmaster do the introduction and made some amazing mafic tricks. Then they saw the a pair of teen doing the trapeze without a net. After them was a guy and his assistant doing the knife throwing trick and didn't miss his target. Soon they saw the animal trianer that was a girl no older than fifteen years old taming two tigers and a lion. She even made them lay down in front of her and and let them jump through a ring of fire. The final act the ringmaster said look up and saw a girl walk the tightrope without a net. She mange to do the splits and some other tricks without losing any balance and she looked so adorable. The exact image of a doll with her little hat on her and umbrella as well.
Once the show was over they both headed back smiling and talking to eaxh other about the show. When they arrive back at the black order they saw that most people were eating or doing work. Euphy was playing with timcappy and Kanda, but when she saw them she was happy to see that Kallen was safe and happy. She saw they had bears with them meaning they were being really close.
Allen escorted Kallen to her room as soon as timcappy distracted her. "I had a really great time today Allen thanks for everything." Kallen said as she smiled at him.
"No I should he thanking you for joining me and for giving this prize. May we can go out again," allen said a bit embarrassed about it. Just as he was about to leave he felt Kallen's hand on his shoulder. The next thing he knew Kallen kissed his cheek and she went into her room.
As allen got in his room he jumped in his room. 'Yes she kissed me in your face Kanda. There no way Kanda can out beat my date now. Hope you enjoy the time with her Kanda because I'm going to have her heart in the end.' Allen put the gis bear that kallen gave on his bed and left to eat his meal again.

Me: hey guys sorry if i haven't updated m6 storues I been busy lately. So I want to thank you guys for helping me reach 100 views on this story. That made a bit happy so thank you very much. I'll try to update when I can.

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