Chapter 16

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It's been four weeks, an entire month and Andy almost didn't speak to Robert all that time. Just things involving Maddie or work.

The day after what happened with Andy they talked to the boy's parents and explained everything. They apologized on his behalf and promised to talk to him. The next day he apologized to Maddie.

Now Andy and Robert lived at the same house and were almost at zero communication. Maddie noticed the face he wasn't sleeping in Andy's bedroom anymore, and that both her parents didn't smile as often and above all how they both stole short glances at each other when the other didn't look. They longed to be together but Andy still couldn't decide what to do and all Robert wanted was to respect Andy's requests and stay away, hoping she'd come back to him.

Maddie see things, and she can tell how upset her parents were. But knowing them both and how they tried to keep that away she let them think she didn't know things were wrong.

She's gonna have to leave for school in 20 minutes, she was sat in the kitchen eating her breakfast.

Andy's in the kitchen as well, drinking her morning coffee, scrolling through her phone as she does. She noticed something on her shared calendar with Robert 'appointment with Julie' she can't help it and rolled her eyes as she sees the name.

How much she hates that woman, she can't even describe it with words. She took a deep breath and closed the app.

Robert was just coming into the kitchen when he saw Andy rolling her eyes. Not knowing what was that about he decided to just remind her about the appointment when Maddie will go to get dressed.

Soon enough, Maddie is done eating and she goes to her bedroom to wear the outfit Andy had chosen for her the previous night.

He clears his throat before speaking "Julie... she has an appointment with the on today. I'm gonna join her, she's suppose to find out the gender" he says casually.

"Mhm" is all Andy answers.

"Andy please talk to me... it's been a month and it's keeling me. Please..." he's bagging. He loves this woman in front of him so much, and the fact he sees her every day and can't hold her or kiss her is hurting him.

"I would. I just don't know what to say..."

He takes a deep breath, trying to come up with anything to say while Maddie isn't there and she's open to talk even just a little "do you still love me?" Is eventually what comes out of his mouth.

"Of course I do. How could I not love you after everything? Im just... I'm so scared. Because I swore I won't let you hurt me ever again and now you're here and we have this beautiful little family... and something is about to ruin it"
The tears were welling up in her eyes.

He walks towards her, cupping her face and forcing her to look at him "Andy listen to me. I love you. More than I loved anyone in this life and this little family we have is everything to me. I won't let this baby ruin it, we'll get through it but I'd never do something to hurt you. Never again. I promise." His eyes shines from the tears in them as he finishes speaking.

"Robert it happened before..." she looses his eyes.

"What do you mean? Baby I promise I would never hurt you on purpose." The sadness in his voice is crystal clear.

"When you came back and found out about Maddie things started to fall out with Julie. You came back to me. How am I supposed to know it won't happen again the other way when the baby comes?" She pulls away from him and gets up to take a few steps back as she speaks.

"It won't. What we have is so different and better than what I had with Julie. You are my everything Andy. Please don't do this I love you." Again he goes to her and taking her face in his hands looking directly into her brown eyes "I love you Andy. You and Maddie are my world and I'd never leave you".

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