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    art creds; @ poscorn617 on twitter

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    art creds; @ poscorn617 on twitter

01:13 ───────0────────── 02:36

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↺ |◁   II   ▷|   ♡



I wonder what the next surprise will be, he thought as he stared off into the sky, perched up on a rock.. The life of a wanted fugitive was certainly packed full of... interesting things.

Then suddenly, he heard someone running on the ground below. Then he heard yelling, and he could only assume whoever it was needed help.

The wandering samurai jumped down, landing swiftly on his feet with his blade unsheathed. Holding the end towards the ground, he took a defensive stance; not entirely offensive yet.

"Hm... it seems you have quite the situation here, whoever you may be," he spoke to you. You quickly nodded and stepped back, watching the young samurai.

"Ah, Fatui. Your empire has certainly fallen; attacking a helpless citizen of Liyue. I suppose you deserve punishment," he spoke. The Fatui skirmishers readied their weapons. Kazuha smirked, knowing they'd be no problem for him.

He ended the battle just as quick as it began, using his elemental burst on them.

After, he turned to you, his expression full of concern. You noticed how he was actually quite attractive; he had a smooth and beautiful complexion, adorned by red eyes, the same color as red autumn leaves. You quickly realized you were staring and coughed awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sheathing his blade and brushing some dust off his shoulders. You nodded. "Yes, I'm okay."

"Hm, good. Though I'm quite curious, why were those Fatui skirmishers chasing you? That is, if you don't mind answering," he asked. You shook your head, "No, I don't mind. They were chasing me because I have this," you said, showing him what you had in your pocket. It was an intricate, small treasure.

"Ah, interesting. Though it's quite small... I wonder why the Fatui would chase you for it," he replied, pondering. You nodded in agreement, "That's what I thought, too."


Kazuha offered to let you travel with him, to which you agreed. Beidou gladly accepted you as a guest on her ship, glad that Kazuha had finally made a friend after loosing Tomo (Beidou and Kazuha have a mother/son relationship and nobody can convince me otherwise).

You were with them for about a week until Beidou made you sleep with Kazuha for a reason that has since gone undisclosed.


The ship was quiet for the most part. The only sounds were of the waves and the occasional creaking of the planks. It was peaceful.

Suddenly, the person beside you rolled over to face you, a tranquil smile on his face.

"Peaceful night, huh?" He said quietly. "Yeah."

You sat up and stared at the ceiling. "It's a shame we can't see the stars from in here," you mumbled with a sigh. Kazuha sat up with you, looking over at you. "Who said we couldn't go outside?" He remarked.

"But it's raining?" You replied, glancing back at him. His expression softened.

"The first lesson I learned as a wandering samurai is that you should never limit your time outside to when weather is nice. Thinking back, I was so different back then..." he mumbled the last part.

"Ohh... okay," you replied. He grabbed your hand and walked outside with you, leading you up to the large crossbow on the side of the ship, sitting down on it.

"Huh... you really like sitting up high, don't you?" You remarked. He nodded with a light chuckle, "I suppose I do."

You stayed up there with him until you fell asleep on his shoulder while staring at the night sky.


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