~ Chapter 10 ~ Rude Awakening

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Skarlet surfaced from a deep sleep, a groan threatened to leave her lips as the pain in her sore muscles washed over her. She felt for a moment that she was tossed into the sand at the edge of a shore, hot and angry water beating against her. She was about to lift her torso to start waking herself up when she realized she wasn't alone. The pain and groggy sleep filled delirium had dulled her senses but as time passed they began to work again. She listened to the rummaging sound. She went to move her hands and realized that she'd been sleeping so hard, hard enough that they'd managed to tie her hands behind her back. Damn, I didn't wake up even while they. . . Shit did they touch me. Her focus moved to her body, but soon found that her clothes were in a natural state and nothing felt of with her body.

She sighed as her nails slid out and began working on the ropes.

"Hey, you found her stash yet? Damn thing hides her money like an animal." A gruff voice spoke up, there was also the sound of rustling.

"This sword looks nice, for a runt." Another voice spoke up, "If we trash the place and take her money she won't be able to pay, then we can threaten the inn keeper. Boss will be thrilled to put the beast out in the street where she belongs."

Skarlet frowned as she looked over at the two men rummaging through her stuff, she then glanced over at the door and it's broken lock. A quiet snap sound announced her freedom as she quietly got to her feet and spread her fingers, sharp claws glinted like the anger in her eyes. She looked at the two men who invaded her space, a big burly man with a tattoo on his bicep of a dragon wrapped around a sword. the other man was thin and wirey, he looked like a back alley thief while his burly companion looked more like a club bouncer. She lunged at the smaller man, a smile lit her lips.

"Argh!" the man grunted as he was attacked, "Shit she's awake, I thought you tied her up?"

"Course I did, she was so out that it wasn't hard." They both had black hair and brown eyes, probably related.

Skarlet ripped her claws down the first man's back and leaped away as the small man drew a knife. "Come on runt, we can take a bitch like you." The man exclaimed as he leaped forward and slashed at her, Skarlet barely dodged right into a punch from the second man. They looked down on her, a deep confidence in their smirks. They were the type of people who only picked on the week, they did research on their target before striking. This normally would have been bad, but for once her opponent's luck was worse than hers. No one could have guessed that get power had risen so quickly.

She slammed into her desk, wincing with pain as she spat out the blood. They both came at her at once, she dodged by leaping up onto the desk and out of the way of a punch before leaping over them in order to dodge the blade stabbed at her. Shit, the room's too small and I don't have a weapon. The slim man lunged at her, with a swing from his knife. Skarlet leaned back and deflected the blade with her claws before lashing out once more. He deflected and Skarlet was forced to dodge. She rolled backwards, her hand touched a piece of clothing and tossed it.

The big man was hit in the face by a bloody shirt, he stumbled just as Skarlet leaped up and slid under his swing. She brought her leg around the back of the slim man's shin. She hooked his leg from under him, surprise lit his face as she stabbed her claws into his chest. She planned to claw him to pieces when she suddenly threw him back. She yanked herself backwards at the same time but wasn't fast enough. A fist blasted past her face, pain exploded like she was standing to close to a bomb that just went off. Blood poured down her face as she slammed into the wall. Her nose was broken, she stumbled for a moment, the slim man leaped at her and pain came out once more as she was stabbed.

Skarlet grabbed his arm and ripped her claws through it, he let out a shrill sound and yanked his arm back. He managed to keep hold of his knife. But she wasn't done, she leaped at him like a cornered beast with her claws slashing at him.

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