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*Daniel POV*

Y/n has gone back to not talking unless it's small whispers to Theo. I had to carry her out of bed this morning to shower with me because I ended up deciding to bring her to the studio with me. I don't want to leave her alone.

I got her dressed in a light, white dress with flats to match. I brushed her hair and put it into a ponytail and I put some lipgloss on her. She blushed when I put the gloss on.

I got Theo changed into a shirt and shorts and I got a bag for him to go see Christian.

Y/n didn't put up a fight when I told her I was bringing her to the studio, she was hesitant when I walked her to her car, but she got in without a word.

I pull up the car to my old house and Christian is already standing in the driveway. I get out of the car to help out Theo.

When I open Theo's door, Y/n is looking back, smiling at him.

"Bye baby" Y/n smiles

"Bye mommy!" Theo jumps out of the car and runs over to Christian.

I give them both a weird look as they do a little handshake. I walk over and Christian pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry man" He mumbles, patting my back a few times. "How is she?"

"This is her first time out of the house, so I guess I'll let you know when we pick up Theo" I look back at Y/n in the car, she's looking down at her lap. I know she's not on her phone, she hasn't picked it up since the crash

"Get to your meeting, we'll be in the pool!" Christian cheers, picking up Theo which causes him to squeal

"Behave, little man" I kiss Theo's cheek before walking back to the car

"Bye Daddy!"

The drive to the studio was quiet, which I expected. I help Y/n out of the car and I hold her hand as we go into the building and into the elevator. The floor is quiet, which makes me believe I'm late but I don't really care.

"Seavey!" I flinch at Randy's loud voice echoing down the hall. I spin around, seeing him waiting for me.

"Come on, I'll take you to the boys and I'll be right back" Y/n nods

I open the door to our studio room, seeing everyone in there. I must be late if Zach's already here.

"You can sit beside Zach, is that okay?" I draw everyone's attention with my voice and they all look shocked to see Y/n.

I purposely sit her beside Zach because I know he won't shut up and I hope he'll say something to put a smile on her face.

She sits down cautiously and keeps her head down to her hands. I know she's avoiding Jack's gaze.

I kiss the top of her head before leaving the room to speak with Randy. I know I'll have to explain why I've been MIA for the last few weeks.

"I'm sorry man" I stop in front of Randy, seeing him look his normal overly concerned look

"Where have you been? I've been calling nonstop and you haven't answered?"

"Hunter passed away"

"I- What?" He freezes, clearly not expecting that, none of us were

"We were in a car accident. I should've told you-"

"Seavey, I'm sorry" Randy pulls me into a
tight hug. "You should've told me, I would've been fine with you taking whatever time you needed off"

"Yeah, sorry" I look back towards the studio, hearing quiet laughter coming from the almost shut door

"How are you doing?" My head quickly spins back to Randy

"I have to be strong, for Y/n"

"That's not what I asked. How are you doing with it all?" Randy pats my back as we walk back towards the studio

"You know, being strong until the lights are out"

I slowly pull the door seeing Zach standing up beside his seat with Y/n's full attention. She's got a small smile on her face as Zach rambles about his date.

"So for whatever reason, while we're in the middle of eating dinner, she asks if I can
dance. So I did what anyone else would do, I get up from my seat and I start doing this" Zach starts doing, well it looks like he's trying to do the renegade. Y/n let's out a soft laugh as she shakes her head

"You didn't actually do that, did you?" She asks in a hushed tone

"I did, I'm actually really surprised she didn't want a second date"

"Alright! Let's get this meeting started" Randy claps loudly as he walks past me into the room, which causes Y/n to flinch, losing her smile

That's My Baby: Season ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now