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Tzuyus POV

P:E Office

I was scrolling through my messages when I saw I had apparently texted Mina. I clicked on it and I froze seeing what I sent. I put my phone down and ran to her classroom.

English Class

I saw another teacher in the classroom.

"Yes Mrs Chou can I help you?", the teacher asked.

"Um, where is the other Mrs Chou?".

She walked over to me.

"She's in the main office".

"Thank you".

Main Office


I notice she wasn't wearing the wedding ring.

"Why aren't you wearing the ring?", I asked.

"I don't know maybe I don't want to be married to you anymore".


I got a paper thrown at me.

"Sign them. Were divorcing and I don't care what explanation you have to try and deny the fact you cheated".

"You cheated on me too!".

"Since when?".

"Yesterday you let fucking Minatozaki sit on your lap!".

"I didn't have sex with her and send pictures to you. Did I?! No because we were talking".

"Not but you have! You had sex many times with her! And you were engaged!".

"So what if I was? You fucked many other girls before even getting with me. Don't start blaming it all on me now!".

"You know what's really sad? Your own son doesn't think you're good enough for me. And you know why? Because he saw how you act around her. The woman you cheated on me with. So you sign these divorce papers right now!".

"Gonna stop me from seeing the kids?".

"If they don't want to see you then yeah. Now you are single you can fuck that 20-year-old as much as you like. Because maybe me being 29 is too old for you. You know what get her pregnant because I don't fucking care anymore. Oh, and we have moved out".

"You can't blame this all on me you were flirting with the maths teacher".

"He was telling me Minyu was struggling!!".

"How does he know that when he only came in for the day. And for you information Minyu told me it looked like he was flirting with you so I had every right to get mad at it".

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