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Minas POV

P:E office

Tzuyu really did quit. Our pictures of our wedding were still hanging about her work dek. I saw Dahyun was in the office. She was on the phone.

Dahyun: Tzuyu you are mumbling

I watched Dahyuns expression change.

Dahyun: Are you being fucking serious?

Dahyun: She got an abortion without telling you?

I walked away from the P:E office. She did that? I found myself barging into Chong's classroom.

Science Classroom


I ignore the fact I just caught her having sex with the same guy from the closet. He sort himself out and left.

"Are you fucking serious!".

"I don't know what you're on about".

"You got rid of the baby without even telling her!".

"So. She's a fool. She fell for my lies and that's what led to her cheating. She was going to leave the restaurant to go back to you. But I showed her a fake picture of you looking like you're cheating. So, she stayed. Cause I lied about you cheating so she drank and drank. And I took her to mine and she was completely hammered. I had condoms but I lied and made sure she impregnated me. I told you from day one. I am going to test her loyalty. Oh, she was really loyal to you. She didn't want to go out drinking with me because she was worried she'd give you the wrong impression after your silly argument. So, this baby that was meant to come was never going to mean anything to me. It might be off to her. But I don't care that I killed it. I don't care, I never told her. I don't care that I've abused her too. Because she deserves to feel the pain. After all, why do you care what I've done to her? Aren't you stopping the kids from seeing her? Your just as worst as me".

"Now get out of my classroom!".

I slapped her.

"You're getting fired".

I walked out of the classroom.


I trip over my own feet almost falling but someone caught me. I looked up and saw Sana.

"You heard?", she asked helping me back to my feet.

"The baby thing?", I asked.

"Yeah, I don't know why but I feel sorry for her".

"Can you tell Jihyo I'm going to go on leave for the baby?", I asked.


~ mean while ~

Tzuyu's POV


I picked up the bottle of beer and drank from it. You're an idiot Tzuyu. A huge idiot. Useless and stupid. Would anyone care if I disappear?

Minas POV




She sat beside me.

"I heard what happen to Tzuyu", She said.


"That woman getting the abortion. Cheating on her and that she quit her job. I've tried calling her too".

"Why?", I asked.

"Honey you guys may be divorced and you may hate her. But hasn't she still been always there for you when Momo wasn't? I found her on a bridge shortly after you divorced her. She was drinking and crying. She nearly jumped but I saved her in time. Because deep down I know that if something bad happens to her you will be struggling very much", she said.

I laid my head on her shoulder.

"If she never wanted to cheat on me then why did her dick always do that".

"That might be something you might have got her checked out for. It could be that she thinks about you in that way and it makes her hard. And maybe she just didn't know how to control her urge for you... Because your father had a similar thing but, of course, I didn't think too much about it as you did".

"Mum was I possessive and obsessive with her?", I asked.

She hugged me.

"Yes but I think that's why Tzuyu loved you. She loves you for you. I know your father dislikes her. But I don't. And I will say it now. You were a lot happier with Tzuyu than you are with Momo. Whith Momo it feels like you are hiding who you are".

"Can you ing me that song you would sing for me".

"Of course".

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