472 21 5

  3 days later / Sunday

Tzuyu's POV

Living Room

"Dad", Yuna said and hugg me.

"Hey", I said.

"Mum is dating Momo", She said.

"I know, I want you three to sit down on the couch".

They listened to what I said.

"As you know I got other women pregnant. And your mother has moved on. So Elkie and I are now together".

"But she's crazy".

I looked at Minyu.

"She's fine with you guys", I said.

"Whose Elkie?", Yeuin asked.

"I'll show you her", I said.


She stopped what she was doing in the kitchen and came over to me.

"Yeuin, Yuna this is Elkie".

"El, Yuna and Yeuin", I said pointing to them individually.

"How old?", she asked quietly.

"Yuna is 11 and Yeuin is 4".

"Why didn't you say Minyu?", Yuna questioned.

"She's my science teacher", Minyu said.

"Min come with me for a second. El keep an eye on them", I said.


His Bedroom

"I know this is hard for you guys", I said.

"You don't love mum anymore...".

"Hey, I love your mum I really do but she's with someone new, she doesn't want me ever again. So I have to move on. I don't love Elkie but she said it would be better for the baby", I explained holding his hands.

"Will you still love us when the baby is born?", he asked.

"Of course".

"Listen I never wanted things to be like this".

"Momo Eonni is rich dose that make you jealous?", he asked.

"Yes it does, I can't give you cool expensive things...".

"I don't want cool expensive things. I just want our family back", he said and hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around him.

"I do too".


The door opened and Yeuin came up to me. I pulled out the hug.

"You know what let's all go out", I said picking up my little monkey.

"With Miss chong too?", he asked.

"Yes Min I can't leave her alone at home", I said.

~ meanwhile ~

Minas POV


"Isn't that your kids?".

I looked over to where she was looking.

"Yeah, they are".

Tzuyu took them out?

"Let's go over there", she said.

"What no Tzuyu will be there with the other women".

"So, I want to meet her".

I sighed and she was already pulling me to them.


I was correct she is here too. Does she know I played her?

"Looks like a cheater".

"And you look like an asshole".

I was very shocked Momo even tried to punch her.

"I rather not cause a scene. Especially not in front of them. You can dislike me. I have no problem with you".

I was surprised when she walked up to me and grabbed both of my wrists.

"Thanks for the game you played Thursday night. If I knew it was a game, I wouldn't have let you do that to me. I'll stay far away from you if you really hate me that much", she whispered in my ear.

"Dad can we get ice cream?".

She let off my wrists.


"Bye mum".

They left.

"Why did you try hitting her in front of the kids?", I asked.

"She has a punchable face", she said.

"Still not in front of the kids! They love her".

"Because they dont understand that she's an asshole and huge dick".

She does have a huge dick though. My stomach started hurting.

"Uh Momo can we go home?", I asked.


"You go ahead I'll meet you there. I need to buy something quickly", I said.


She pecked my cheek then headed off. I went to the closest pharmacy.


Where are they? I finally found the section. I grabbed the box and went to the counter. I brought it then headed home.

Momos Bathroom


"One seconded", I said as I was biting on my nails waiting for the test to come through.

"Shit", I said to myself.

I took a deep breath and came out of the bathroom.


"What's wrong?".

"I'm pregnant".



"Thats great".


Please don't be Tzuyus.

"What are you going to tell the kids?".

"I'll tell them soon".


SOMBODY ANIT ME [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant