The Pain The Past Causes

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Bella POV

After our day we ran outta the school laughing so hard that if we were humans we would have fallen over.

When we got home I smiled, I get to see my dad, and we are moving up into Canada, into the middle of the woods were we can do what we want.

I was the first through the door, to see everything covered in white sheets, I felt a painful stab go through my chest at the sight, it looked just like painful time Edward left me and took his whole family with him, and I came to make sure that he wasn't just lying. Of course now I realize it was the pain of being away from Emmy, not from Edward.

I collapsed to my knees in pain and let out a whimper. Jasper collapsed too, because he could feel my pain. I tried to pull myself together so Jazz would be okay, but I failed. Emmett dropped down beside my and wrapped his arms around my withering form.

It lessened, the pain, knowing he was here, besides me. But the pain, the pain of being so far away from Emmett, kept running through my mind over and over again. I let out a louder whimper causing the rest of my family to come running into the room.

"Bells!" My father yelled dropping besides me. I wanted to tell him that I'd be okay, eventually. But I knew if I opened my mouth I'd scream.

But I couldn't stop the even louder whimper that escaped.

That's when Alice spoke up, "Emmett you have to get her out of here, she's gonna stay that way until you, and only you, get her out of here, then you have to find a way to show her, that your only her's, and she's yours."

I couldn't hold it back this time, I let out a scream, I was now seeing what happened, Edward repeating those awful words.

"Your a worthless human," he said harshly, "I never, ever loved you, how could I love a human!" he sneered the word human, "you were just a toy to me." For some reason that comment hurt less. "My family feels the same, Alice" I let out another scream as he said Alice's name. "Esme," I let out another scream, my second mom, mommy, "Emmett." I then screamed at the top of my lungs. My family, gone, never to return, they hate me, I'm just a human. My human thoughts said, I know they're not real, that my family loves me. But it feels so real. I screamed again.

I felt myself getting laid down on Emmett's and I's bed. "Bells," he whispered brokenly. You would not believe me if I told you how much I wanted to grab his hands, tell him it will be ok, but I screamed again as I saw Edward turning away from me that day in the forest.

I felt Emmett take off my shirt, and pants. Leaving me in my undies, I wanted to cover myself, I'm not good enough for him my body is ugly, I don't want him to see my ugliness, but it was like I was frozen to the bed.

"Bella, this is the only way I can bring you back, so you won't feel pain," he explained slipping off the rest of my clothing and throwing them somewhere into a corner.

I screamed again as I felt the exact pain I felt when I was alone for all of those months.

"I love you," he purred getting onto of me, I could feel that he was naked, he slowly spread my legs, and he whispered "I'm yours forever, and always." He then plunged into me, I noticed instantly that he has larger and thicker then Edward. I felt the pain leaving my body. Emmett pulled almost completely out, "forever!" He yelled, then slammed into me, and the pain started leaving my body even faster. He pulled almost completely out, "and always!" He yelled and slammed into me again, and the pain instantly left my body.

I wrapped myself around him, and I felt him a sigh in relief. "Bellsy," he sighed, relief clearly in his voice.

"Emmy," I whispered in a broken voice, "now where were we?" I asked, hinting we should get back to that activity. He chuckled his deep chuckle, and then moaned when I move my hips against his, since he was still inside me.

That is how we spent the rest of the night, making love.

Forever wasn't as long as I hopedWhere stories live. Discover now