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Bella POV

Once we were done with hunting Emmett tried to get me into the bedroom and believe me I almost went with him but then I remembered Charlie.

I dragged Emmy out of the house and into the yard and followed me to the car. He sat there complaining the entire ride to my dads house.

When we got their I gave him a peck on the check, grabbed his hand and led him to the house.

I knocked on the door, nothing has really changed. The cruiser was in its normal position, the trees still looked untamed, reaching to grab someone that gets to close, the shadows taking up a large area of the yard because of the late hour.

I heard the squeaky doorknob turn and I snapped my head away from the yard and to the door. Charlie opened the door all of the way.

"Hey dad we need to talk." I said looking at him. Charlie nodded confused and stepped to the side to let us in.

I walked in first quickly with Emmett right on my heels. I walked into the kitchen and saw the bright yellow walls that my mom painted in attempt to bring some sunshine into there world and home, and Charlie had put out all of our old photos, him and mom in Vegas getting married, them after I was born Renee holding me, the picture was taken by a helpful nurse, and every single one of my school pictures back on the fireplace.

I sat down at the mismatched dinning table were I always used to sit. Charlie sat in his normal chair with Emmett in the last chair which was next to me.

"Dad I need to tell you something and you NEED to keep a open mind," I said, well more like demanded.

"of course bells," he said looking cautious and confused at the same time.

"The Cullen's and I we're....." I said trailing off, Emmett put his hand in mine and rubbing random shapes on my hand. I sighed in comfort

"Dad the Cullen's and I are.... vampires." I explained.

"Ya right bella know tell me what really is going on here." Charlie said as if I was joking and rolled his eyes like a teenager.

"I'm not joking Dad and I can prove it to you," I said standing up.

"Alright" Charlie said a little angrily, probably mad that he is going to miss the night game.

"You stay here," I said sternly looking at Emmy.

"Yes ma'am" he said saluting me he gave me a kiss full on the lips.

When we broke apart we looked at Charlie to see his angry expression completely gone and replaced by confusion.

"I'll explain that later too dad just one step at a time," I said walking over to him and crouched low for him to climb on, "get on" I ordered.

He hesitated but  I felt him slip onto my back and I stood up, "hang on as tight as you can dad, Em open the front please."

"OK," he whispered.

I ran out of the house and into the forest as fast as I could, his arms tightened a long with his legs.

He gasped and buried his head in my neck. I pushed faster, I am faster then Edward.

When I got to the field where we fought Victoria and her newborns. I ran to the middle and stopped.

"Dad you can get down now," I exclaimed amused.

"I'm stuc,k" I heard him whisper.

I unlatched his arms and legs and sat him on the ground.

"Sorry I should of warned you about that," I said softly tryingnto hide my amusement

"Its okay I'm just (gasp) trying to get (gasp) my breathe (gasp)," he explained breathless.

"take your time," I whispered sitting by him rubbing his back and after a couple of minutes passed and his breathing returned to normal.

"Are you okay now," I asked with concern,

"Yes hun I'm fine now but tell me what happened."

Forever wasn't as long as I hopedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora