Why oh why is it always me

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Bella POV

Seth and I sat in the circle that was made for the game.

"Alright who first?" Alice said.

"Meeeeeee!" Emmett screamed, we all chuckled.

"Alright Carlisle truth or dare?" em asked.

"Truth," he said smartly.

"Awwww, ok lemme think," Emmett whispered.

He wrapped his arm around my waist while he thought... "okay," Emmett said happily, "have you ever been sexually attracted to a man?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. I smiled at his actions... he's a big child.

"Yes," Carlisle responded looking down.

We all looked at him in shock...

"While I was a human, I was gay, I never looked at a woman, only men, then I became what I am and I met Esme, she changed me," he said looking at Esme with happiness and love.

She smiled up at him...

"Alright," Carlisle exclaimed looking around the circle... "Charlie, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Charlie said looking shocked that he got picked right away.

"Are you attracted to anyone in this room?" Carlisle asked.

"Nope," Charlie said looking at him, "truth or dare, bells?" he said looking at me.

"Dare," I stated confidently.

"I dare you to not touch Emmett for 2 weeks," he said smirking.

"WHAT!" Emmett and I growled and snarled in sync.

Charlie's smile just widened.

"What's the consequence?" I snarled at him.

"You have to go up naked to a bear, grab it, take it to the nearest town, and ride it like a horse through out the entire town, the long way."

"Alright lets go," I said standing up.

Everyone looked at me like I grew another head, "where are we going?" my little brother Seth asked.

"To go find a bear," I said looking at him like it was common sense.

Forever wasn't as long as I hopedWhere stories live. Discover now