Chapter One: 7,000 years later Earth

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Beep... Beep... Beep, continuous a rather loud and annoying noise that's as familiar to me as my own voice. It keeps beeping even as I shift and moan, shoving the veil of sleep off of me. Prying open salty eyes, I rub at them trying to clear my fuzzy mind. I sit there feeling... at a loss.

There's a memory bubbling upwards, and whenever I reach for it, it dances away taunting me with its' shiny importance. It twirls around my fingers, kissing my soft skin goodbye before vanishing away. I can only stare up at the ceiling where plastic stars are haphazardly placed.

I yawn, stretching lazily like a cat. I typically remember my dreams, so the fact that I haven't remembered a single dream for the past week has been annoying me more than I expected. I glance at my phone where it's still beeping like crazy and seem to be getting louder and faster by the second.

I reach for it, reading the title, 6:00 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

School? I blink once then twice until my heart skips a beat and excitement fills my veins in much-needed adrenaline. I jump up, clicking the off button before I scramble out of bed.

I twirl around in the room, spinning, and spinning until I flop back into bed rolling my head to keep myself from getting too dizzy. Then cold reality hits me hard. This is not only the first day of school, where I am a freshman! But the day George and Rin my brothers are leaving the home! And Shyan and her boyfriend Roy leave too! Everyone but Mom and Dad will be home after today! I silently slump down, kicking my feet up and down. I thought we would all be together no matter what. Moving from Washington to Oregon, to Idaho, California, then back to Washington. We were all together, and now they are deciding to leave?

I would be lying to say I am not upset about that. I hate change. I have been changing homes, schools, friends, classes... Every year something different happens, and finally, we are settled and no longer moving, and they are leaving home, changing my world once again... It's really frustrating being the youngest.

Flopping backward all my stuffed animals fall across my face along with the random piles of blankets and pillows I scatter about. My bed looks like a rainbow has given birth. Turning to the side, there's a frilly pink pillow, and sitting royally, if a little crooked from my moment, an old worn-down Hello Kitty I named Pink. Reaching over I lift her up high overhead. Her soft worn yellow eyes blink down at me, her grey fluffy pelt worn down in several areas. Squeezing her tightly to my chest I feel the stitches that cover her up and down. I have had her for so long I can't remember when I first held her. She was the reason I learned how to sow so that I could forever fix her. I stay like that for a bit before I place her back onto her pillow and went over to my old dresser pulling out undergarments.

My old dresser has been a hand me down from my grandmother to my mother, to my older sister, and then to me. It's made of dark cherry brown wood, that's faded a touch from age. All along the sides are painted red flowers with dark green vines. Grandmother was an artist and painted this a while back. Once a year Mother goes and repaints over it to keep it fresh.

I have never personally met my grandparents, they died before I was even born. I have heard many stories about them from mom. Grandma was an artist who painted masterpieces that even hang in a few art museums. Ellanora Leburn Goldheart. Or E.L.G. Her favorite things to paint are trees and flowers. I even have one of her paintings in my room. A field of green, with yellow sunflowers. I love looking at it, and wondering what woman she was and if I resemble her even a little bit.

Grandfather was pretty cool himself. A hard worker, he spent most of his life working in the union as a carpenter. He made the dresser, rocking chair, and several other things that have found their way here in my home.

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