Chapter six -Allishea in Earthea

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The chant rolls off of my tongue smoother than rain and stronger than mountain ranges. The vibrations radiate inside of me, steadily pounding into my thumping heart. Every word comes from depths inside of me, not even my soul can reach, a torrent of power awakening from slumber and pouring into every pore within my body. There are many names to this power, but we call it magic. The forces of nature that flow through my body and out into the world.

Magic resides in every organic and inorganic material. Magic being the core to all life and nonlife. It's a power that is hard to harness, and even fewer can use. Only those chosen by fate itself can wield it. And I have been picked, blessed by fate to wield the magic of nature.

Standing as still as a statue, the bone chilling water around me brushes against my chest, tickling my small breasts. There's many other shamans around me, all of them walking slowly in a circle in the outer ring of the water. I can feel not only their movements but magical presence as they chant and sing. Above them servants take turns splashing cold water over their heads. Two of the most faithful and humble servants right behind me dumping cold water over my head whenever heat steams off of me. Two others stand behind another Shaman next to me. Second Hand to the Lady Shaman, Silzia.

Training together, living together, doing everything together we are as close as any person can be. I trust him with the entirety of my soul and magic.

Together we are the conductors for the spell we are performing. The magic wells out of the other shamans, and in precise clean motions move onto the two of us. Hot coals passing from their hands to ours. With every breath I take more and more magic wells into me, and with every exhale I move that magic to a wild dance of webs high above us. A spider's web with an open eye at the center, looking down at us like a moon in a trance. Teh threads thicken adn strengthen. However, the magic inside becomes more delicate, wild, and impulsive, wanting to wiggle free from their confines. Only our two minds, strengthen over years of training, keeps them entrapped in webbing.

There's a chilling wind, and a rush of magic escaping from the very center of the web. A portal is slowly beginning to bloom, a road to another world. Usually, Portal Masters would open the paved portal leading to other worlds using a Key. However, we are opening a portal to a Shadow World. A place for one reason or another, the portal's key was destroyed, and entrance is forbidden. It requires a lot more magic and involves many risks to reopen without a Key or true portal path.

If we fail... we can destroy both planets. Or turn them into Shadow worlds. Even if we succeed there's that chance. This risk makes what we are doing illegal, and... morally incorrect.

Anxiety bubbles through my chest. We have been practising for years and years before we actually did this. And now, while doing this for real, I just realised how unprepared we truly are. Have we just... doomed everyone?

A magical presence, a warmth and kindness washed over me. I glance at Silzia immediately, my hammering heart slowing down and calming. He's always been the calm one of us two, perceiving delicate.

A true, handsome elf. He is tall, even taller than me, with ear-tips that fall back two feet past his earlobs. They are lightly decorated in silvers and feathers up and down adding to their dippingness. His slim figure looks even more fragile alone in the water, waves of heat bouncing off of him just like me. His long black hair falls down like little threads flouting against the surface. Sensing my eyes, he opens his butterfly wing eyes. They are the most brilliant blue I have ever seen, clearer than the water, smoother than the sky and brighter than sunlight. He gives me a heart fluttering smile before closing his eyes and going back to prayer.

Able to focus better I close my own eyes to pray. He is right. We have the oldest, wisest, and strongest shamans here with us today. There is no way all of us can fail. We knew the dangers when we embarked upon the journey, there is no way we can fail.

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