Chapter Two

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School is a long maze that circles on itself with three floors, the third being inaccessible to students. There are students all over the place chattering with friends, catching up with teachers, or even rushing to the bathroom giggling or cackling at one another.

I push through the crowd to the front part of the school. There's the principal's and counselors office, with the nurse's office parallel to them. And on the side with the nurse's office, rests the largest library I have ever seen. It gets me excited just looking at it. The last school's library was too small to be called a library. I push open the heavy doors entering the nice-smelling room. It smells of books, fresh lemon, and even coffee.

There's a large computer section to my left, students already there talking to one another in hushed voices opening web pages. To my right is the librarian's office with a hot pot of coffee being made for the morning and a Librarian reading the newspaper and eating a donut.

I head deep into the memorizing library fortress. Bookshelves are as tall as can be with a few step stools for those short like me to reach books up high. Students peruse the place, one girl carrying several books in her arms and taking them to the checkout counter with a gleam in her eyes.

I get to the very back, with a small area for people to read at tables. To one side is a couch with my three best friends sitting down and talking to one another in low voices.

Luna, Hazel, and Rebecca.

Luna sits at the end of the large green couch, a small pile of books next to her. They are all about the history and various historical people. The one she is reading is about George Washington and other past presidents. She likes talking about history and wishes to become a historian for the Native American communities. The thing is, while she truly is Native American with a registered number and everything she does not look native. As a kid, she would be bullied by other students because of this. She told me she looks like her great great grandmother who was in fact a half-native woman. Her father was a European man, her mother native. While the rest of the family married other natives it doesn't stop genetics from popping out in the least expected places.

Luna is white-skinned like soft spider silks. Her round face and cheeks are soft with feminine perfection. She does have high cheekbones, and her parent's large nose, but she has round bright baby sky blue eyes that sparkle like stars. And the brightest blond hair I have ever seen like the sun has given her threads of its purest sunlight. It's been braided back and decorated with a few important-looking bead threads. She's slimmer than other people, with a flat chest and butt. She prefers to dress in plain clothing. So she's dressed in a solid blue dress with no decorations on it. She wears dark black high heels and white stockings. Giving her regal appearance as she sits quietly, bright eyes devouring the pages, she looks like one of those Disney princesses. She glances up long enough to give me a small smile and slides a touch to the side to allow me to sit next to her, before going back to her reading.

On the other side bickering like usual are Hazel and Rebecca. Hazel is poking Rebecca's side, teasing her and Rebecca is fighting back pitifully with her hands giggling.

Hazel laughs, her wide smile spreading across her lovely thick face. She brushes back her long messy raven blue hair that shines against her dark olive skin tone, like bronze statues. She's the tallest girl I know in our grade, nearly six feet tall and possibly still growing. Her frame is that of a muscular monk, built to fight and last. Her short face is rounded by her cheekbones and facial structures. She's wearing a shirt a little too big and dirty with grease oils and stains. Her long blue pants already have a new hole. She turns to me, her wide hazel eyes glistening with delight. She grins widely at me, "Hey! You're finally here."

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