Chapter Fourteen

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Allishea takes me out the front door, and into an entirely different world. I got only a snapshot from my bedroom window, now I am looking at an entire mural of beautiful rolling mountains. The mountain we are on is shorter than the others and has a long wide open area.

Below, a wide long set of stairs leads to a bottom layer where the village has settled. It's large with fields of wheat and vegetable gardens covering everywhere, that isn't already taken by roads and small two-story squat and square homes. If I were back home, they'd be very similar to Eastern-style buildings with their sharp rooftops and flowing ends that widen outwards. Some buildings have wooden doors, but most have the decorative paper doors I've seen in the temple.

At the very end of the village, leading downwards with another wide set of stairs that disappear downhill, is a large standalone entrance, There are no gates or guard towers, just an open expansion of long green grass and bushes full of flowers. Inside the field, which has a short more preventative fencing, are large slow-moving animals.

There are two other large buildings that catch my eye. One in the very middle of the entire village that's close to five maybe six stories tall. The other is to the eastern side of the village and partially blocked by a huge orchid that stands between it and us. It's smaller maybe only three stories tall, but it's pretty wide and has a huge playground poking out from its side. I can see many little shapes moving around.

Allishea and I are on the second layer of this mountain range, where to my right, the eastern side of the village, is a very similar orchard to the one below. But there aren't small elves, but mostly elderly, or shaman elves that wonder and pick the fruit the tree's bear. To my left is a destroyed rubble of wood and stone. Something that was there, was turned and twisted into an indescribable shape of war-torn bricks.

Behind me looms the ever-giant temple. It's massive with five stories that reach towards the expansive sky the tip sharpening like a spear jutting forthward. The clear oak wood walls glisten in the morning rays, the many crawling vines seeming to purr like cats as they bask. Windows and patios are opening up like wings, as many of the servants dressed in their whites are cleaning. The very top is the only part of the place that doesn't open up to the outside world, instead cloistered in darkness. Like a single little box, no one is allowed to open. The third floor has a large bridge where many brown-cloaked shamans move across to the third part of this mountaintop. I can't really see what's up there, but I can guess maybe a river or a small pond because I can smell and hear the slight movement of water.

"Beautiful is it not?" Allishea says with pride in her voice, "We are sometimes called the Little Village." She scans the entire place like a sentinel, ever ready to protect, "This village has been alive for close to seven generations, and housed the greatest of Shaman's." She points to the large building in the middle, "That is where we archive, research, and protect all manners of history related to the Shamans and the Chosen Ones. At one point we had the honor of holding the Chosen One's Xyillia's journals. Until some thief came and claimed the treasures." She lets out a sigh, "It would have been a blessing had you been able to read about all her work."


She nods, "She was the Tenth Chosen One and a Lady Shaman. During your classes, we will teach you about her."


She takes a step down and lifts a hand to me. I take it, allowing her to gently guide me down towards the rest of the village. "Remember we discussed your birthday? That is because we will begin your journey when you age up... what age is it exactly?"


"Fifteen. Rather young arn't you? For humans right?" She gives me a pitiful look, "I will assist with teaching you everything you need to know. Self-defense, history, humility, and we cannot forget your duty as the Chosen One." She nods slowly, "However, I want you to know you will not be doing this alone." She gives me a soft smile, "I, as your protector, will be right by your side this entire journey. So fret not."

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