Chapter Fifteen-Allishea

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As the door slowly closes, I watch as the soft sweet smile on Lady Kiro drifts into a solem soft frown. I hesitate for a second, before spinning on my heels and heading towards the main staircase leading upwards to the top floor where Lady Shaman's chambers rest.

I feel oddly cold, a deep persistent chill numbing my hands no matter how far I dig them into my sleeves until I am gripping my elbows. My breath is shaky, and my eyes are blurry, every single little thing seems to be bothering me. My shoes press tightly against my toes, the air stuffy and tight with incense and oils. My clothes feel itchy, and my hair is oily and rough. It's like my entire body is rejecting my existence in space and time.

I don't know what's causing this ill forbidding feeling to swarm my senses. Is it because of Lady Shaman's illness? Since Lady Kiro arrived, Lady Shaman has been silent and self-reflective, her heart plagued with guilt and worry. I fear I will lose her just as I have lost Silzia...

A burning sensation fills my heart, and I collapse against the wall. It throbs and scratches with violent rage and agony, a smoldering aftertaste filling my throat with smoke and bile. Closing my eyes I whisper several prayers before I can steady myself.

What is this I am feeling? Loath and despair?

A rumble thickens in my chest, wishing to be released. I physically push against it, bruising my collarbone. I should not be feeling this way... I definitely should not have this feeling towards the young child, Kiro...

It was I who brought her here against her will. It was us who took away a young child from her home... we knew exactly what we were doing, all the risks, and the possibility of death. Still, we summoned her. Still... to lose someone so precious to me... to us. It hurts, it hurts so much.

Steady once more, I force myself up the stairs step by step.

Lady Kiro, she is terrified. Since meeting her, I have only seen fear in her eyes. Her words and actions are kind, and she appears to be the friendly cheerful type. However, even a face-blind ant can see the thick aura of terror adn fear that surrounds her.

If I am being honest, I am very disappointed that she is the Chosen One. I suppose I was hoping for someone older at least in their middle age and older, instead, I came across a child. A child with no skills in sword fighting, no talents as far as I can see, and ignorant of everything in the universe. Is she truly the Chosen One we need?

I whisper low to myself, "Let fate decide our course but choose our fate we must."

Lady Kiro has to be the Chosen One. Her name was spoken by two Goddlings, and she was hunted by those Nuieros. Thinking of the Nuro's I remember the girl next to Lady Kiro... Luna was it? She seemed more worthy of the position of Chosen. Her magical powers were full of potential and potency. However, it was not her but the slightly forgettable girl next to Luna.

I trail my fingers along the railings of the stairs. I've read the stories embedded in them over and over again. Every time I go to bed, my fingers will read the old elven language. It's a story about the very first and second Lady Shaman and those who built the two grand temples on the north and south of the continent.

Lady Shaman Cleria Serel Cronos, daughter of the purest elven bloodline of the first-world Silvien nobility. Devoted herself to purity and humility and spreading words of kindness to all. She built the Southern temple during the first years of arrival to the new world Earthea. It was the Second Lady Shaman, Lady Shaman, and Chosen One Xyillia who expanded and continued the rise of Shamanism throughout the elven world and created the Northern temple.

They both preach about kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, and simplicity. Give more than you take, and only accept what is needed. Eat only as much as a single leaf full, do not gorge yourself but hold patiences at night as your stomach rumbles in dreams. Fate itself is but a tapestry we are wolven into, the future only a small part we play in. Working together is the only way to keep the tapestry beautiful and unfrayed.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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