Chapter Five -Luna

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The wind howls, rattling the window back and forth like a beast fighting against it's steel cage. A single blazing yellow eye leans into the glass bars, lengthy beams of ethereal light scorching the walls. There's this pitter patter of soft rain, and the moan of tree branches swaying under the weight. It's this strange melody that oddly reminds me of the far, far past. So far, that I had forgotten it entirely, until now. It was this night, this very night that everything changed for me. My fate, and the fate of the worlds. Hanging on a slim red thread so gingerly plucked by a pair of beautiful angelic hands.

I end up staying awake the entire night, just listening to the noise, and carefully watching as the pale blue aura of the forest grounds glisten beyond the window frame. Whisper Woods, acutely named for such a haunted piece of land. When Kiro moved here, she would only talk about the woods for a few months. She was being drawn to it, like a moth to the flame. And like a moth she fluttered as close as she could.

For three day's she was missing, everyone grew frantic, searching the woods top and bottom. Not an inch of it spared, but she was nowhere to be seen. It was a morning after a savage storm, that she was found asleep under a tree miraculously unharmed. When questioned, she didn't remember a single thing.

She's always been drawn to abnormal lands heavy with stagnant magic. Oceans, crystalline lakes, even the most dangerous of places like YellowStone. We went there for a school trip, and she fell behind everyone else as she wondered close to the volcano and gaseous mudpits. She was scolded heavily, and watched after this second incident, but she was never harmed from all of her adventuring. Not surprising really, she senses and craves magic, and magic wants her back.

Magic brought us together, I have an overabundance of magic, and she sought it out. Surprisingly, we became fast friends, and she even brought other children over to become my friends. After she took my hand, I never felt alone. Since then, I've sworn to protect her. With my magic, with my life. No matter what, I will be beside her.

Sitting up, I glance around the room. All along the walls and floor, are layers and layers of soft blue seals glistening like starlight. There's cracks and fading symbols along the layers, the once bright lights now flickering. I call it a Bubble. It's old, and worn like an old web dusting to cobwebs. I use to passively empower the seals, but after her time away from me, that won't be enough. I have to resurrect these seals, now. She's already seeing Nuro's, the magic buried deep in her is slowly stirring, and her memories are surfacing.

My stomach twists on itself getting tighter and tighter, like a braid being too taunt. I can feel my skin prickle, and breath tighten, as I sense a malicious evil magic slowly swirl around in the room, just outside the bubble. It's looking for a way inside, slipping past all the cracks to slither in closer and closer.

I've spent too long, fighting against all the evils that dare to harm my Aan, to give up now. I attempt to slip out of bed, when Kiro reaches over, pressing her soft round angelic face against my side, curling next to me like a kitten. She even has this soft snoring purr, that's endearing. I brush hair out of her face, trailing my fingers along her cheeks to her lips. They're chap and yet soft and plump. I dance back to her cheeks, fighting my urge to pinch them.

Sweet, sweet sunshine.

My bubble wasn't enough to protect her back then, so I placed another seal upon her forehead. This one also breaking and cracking due to age. If I do not resurrect this, then all the memories I've stolen from her will snap back in place. And possibly break her phsici...

She's always been able to see the Nero's, or Monsters, as she called them as a kid. She wasn't scared of them, instead she decided that she was to be some hero fighting to bring happiness to those infected. Sometimes her meddling worked, other times it did not. However she never gave up, instead trying over and over again like some lunatic.

Kiro and Raven: Chosen HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora