Chapter nine

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 "Kiro?" It's mom's voice. I open my eyes, turning towards her. Mom's sitting elegantly in one of the hard chairs making it look like a cushy throne. One ear pressed to her phone, another lightly tapped an earpod, while still tapping away at her computer. Still she makes full effort to talk to me, "What would you like to have for lunch?"

It's been a few day's since I've been cleared to eat solid food, and everyone is making sure I get something special for either lunch or dinner. Even going on runs to restaurants to get me something. I try to ask for things close by or hospital food. But sometimes they can read my mind and it's cravings.

A lot of restaurants have closed down, and few places are keeping open. Those that are open, are in strict restrictions and only accept take out. Still Mom searches up and down to get me what I want. Since she's so busy it's best not to bother her, "How about just some eggs and bacon from the hospital cafeteria?"

Mom coughs slightly, trying to hide her pain as she rubs her chapped hands with lotion from her purse, "I was actually hoping to get some Rryno Trino BBQ. I'm personally sick of hospital food."

I lightly laugh, not entirely disagreeing. "Then a regular BBQ sandwich for me."

"Got it." She closes her computer, stuffing it into her bag. Heading over to me, she kisses my forehead, "Stay still, I'll be back soon."

"Stay safe," I say back watching her leave. From her pockets her other phone buzzes, she answers it, her voice a touch loud and frustrated. I flinch, as a bright light swirls around her back, fangs sinking into her neck. Sharp scarlet red eyes roaming it's brilliant sunny white bubbling mess that fizzes and shifts in size and strength. Before it can notice my glaze, I look away.

Luna's been very clear about irritating them, or allowing them to notice my sight.

Speaking of Luna. She, Hazel and Rebeca are all safe and sound. Hazel got sick like me during the party but she recovered quicker than I did, going home to her parents. While Rebbeca is stuck at home, not even allowed to leave to enjoy the front yard. Luna is less restricted actually visiting me once every few days. But we all mostly keep in contact through messages.

I've been stuck here for nearly a month now, and I'm getting bored just watching the news. It's mostly sad stuff right now. Photos and videos of car crashes, people being wheeled into hospitals. Government people trying to reassure the public. And talks of vaccines and medicines that might work and on trial. So far nothing has worked.

Next to me I have a small hairbrush and hand mirror Shyan brought from home. I work on my short hair while looking deep into the glass. I have blood on my neck, and far behind me in the distance is a silver tree... I lay it back down, closing my eyes. It's been so hectic and insane. All these visions and thoughts. At least I'm not insane.

Or I do hope not.

Finally, tired with my motionlessness, I get up stretching. I'm allowed to walk up and down the halls, especially seeing how it's cleared up of people... sometimes. Today it's clear, and I pace up and down counting the now familiar tiles on the walls. I pass by the nurse station for the seventh time when I hear a voice. "Please, is this the hospital that took in a man named Calvin Hortin?"

Calvin! I spin involuntarily pausing in breath. It's... Joe, a bit more ragged and exhausted with dark bags under sad dark eyes and lines of worry zagging across his face. Still nicely dressed in a suit and tie, his hair pushed back, he has a professional air to him. Clutching his left leg, like a life jacket in an ocean, is his little boy, Adam.

I can still remember that strange dream.... If it's even a dream. I see two living breathing people right in front of me. Unless this is a dream? I pinch myself hard a welt forming. Nope...

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