Chapter Twelve- 2 months later

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Two months have passed since that eventful night. And in that time a lot happened. First, Shyan got better immediately along with thousands of other people who were at death's doorstep. And with that, no one else got sick. it's considered a mysterious miracle. Of course, there are some people claiming that the government created and cured some diseases, while others claim it wasn't even a virus but something entirely different. I know... it's because Earth is giving us one last chance.

It took two months for schools to open up again, people were scared that this was just the calm before another storm. But nothing happened and eventually like scared turtles society stuck their heads out to look around. It still hurts us, a lot of people suddenly died. And that leaves a lot of room to be missed. Three elderly custodians, two teachers, and at least fifteen students I've heard of died during the virus, in this school alone. I don't know about others.

Second, culturally there's some change occurring. People don't touch each other as often, handshakes turning to elbow bumps or air fives. Hugs and hand-holding are reserved for only close friends. I heard in European countries there's no longer kissing cheeks. There's also the fact that Americans are now living in multigenerational homes rather than moving out. How things change.

I guess the third thing involves mostly me. When I woke up after pleading with Earth I was in my bed. Dad and Mom told me that last night a figure in black knocked on their door and told them that I fell asleep on the bus. Before they could ask them how they knew where I lived the person vanished. I was grounded, but it didn't last that long.

The very same day, Shyan returned from the hospital. I told her what Earth wanted, however, I did word it... in a way, she could possibly believe me. When she came back from her meeting with Earth, there was a different change for her. Her eyes are wide and bright with this look of extraordinary wonder. Her posture is tight and proudly lifted up, like a knight on a mission. She hasn't spoken much about it, however, she would at times pat me on the head and give me this nod and look of appreciation. I wonder how much she knows, and if she was asked to keep quiet or felt the need for a stoic silence.

I'm just glad that all of that is over, and I am back to my normal life once more. I mean, I'm in school having a good morning in the library finishing up the last few questions on my math homework. One hand tapping my pencil as I ponder the question, my other twirling a silver necklace. I don't typically wear jewelry but this one was gifted to me from Earth herself. Hanging from it is a small little glass vile the size of my pinky. Inside like sand in a timer, is glittering dirt and a very tiny seed.

A teacher passes by me, murmuring to themselves about schedules, planers, and homework. The school atmosphere has changed just as drastically as everything else. Children must be vaccinated against seasonal viruses or not be allowed in class. As well as updated with every shot needed, not even religious exemptions are accepted. Then there are the classrooms, that can only contain fifteen students per teacher. A huge separation of grades, that are let out five minutes after the other to lessen the hall's crowd. And no one lingers any longer, just go into class and sit down as quickly as can be.

I drop my pencil, stretching and sighing loudly. I can't seem to solve the last problem. I glance to my side, wishing my friends were with me. If I ever got stuck Hazel or Luna would help me.

Hazel's off to her engineering club that's preparing some robots for their celebratory competition. Rebbecca's parents are still obsessing over the virus and are having her homeschooled. I only get to see her on the weekends.

Luna... Luna is still missing. I don't know where she is, neither does her parents. It's like she's vanished from the planet. I worry for her, my heart aching with fear and loneliness. I want to tell her everything, I want her to know about Earth, Shyan, and mostly about my strange brain mate who's making themselves too comfortable.

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