Chapter Three

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Standing around in PE, I yawn waiting for my turn to drink from the water fountain. I feel my friends behind me slowly gathering as sneakily as they can be. Hazel's eyes gleaming, Rebecca looking around nervously, Luna calm as still water. I had really just come to get a drink, but I can tell what Hazel convinced the others to do. I can't help but smile while taking a few long sips.

Hazel knocks on the bathroom door, peek inside, and smiles mischievously. It's a handicapped bathroom, so it's a lot larger and has a specially made toilet. Rebecca blushes looking around, "If I get in trouble and a teacher has to escort me to the bathroom from now on, I am killing you with your own robot."

Hazel opens the door wide, "Of course, ladies first!"

The bathroom is simple in design, single toilet, single sink with a mirror behind it. It's clean, a bit cleaner than the regular girl's bathroom. Rebecca just shakes her head as she wheels on inside, Luna and I right behind her.

Once inside, Hazel closes the door quietly locking it. "Now, let's summon the Silver Tree!"

Rebecca can only sigh, "How will we do that?"

Hazel thinks for a second, before turning to me, "How did you summon it?"

I avoid looking at the mirror, because of the blood... It's still there. "I didn't summon it, It just appeared. What are people on social media saying?"

Hazel rubs her chin, spinning on her heels, "Not much, just a bunch of selfies and people exclaiming they've seen the Silver Tree. It's strange how no one can capture a picture of the tree."

Luna steps forward whispering low, "My Aan, go kiss the mirror."

I nearly screeched, "What?!" Shaking my head I gag, "You do know this is a public bathroom. I have problems sitting on the toilets let alone kiss a mirror that has who knows how many germs on it!"

Hazel nods in agreement, "Even the prep kids don't do that. And they are all about their lips."

Luna shrugs, "I just feel that... if she does it... it will work." She smiles, "It's a gut feeling I have. My Aan, if you want us to see it, you have to kiss it." She nods to the mirror... It looks clean... but...

Rebecca and Hazel clean the mirror with soap and napkins, turning to me expectantly. While Hazel is openly bouncing and eagerly tapping my shoulder to get me to do it, Rebecca just gives me quick glances to and fro. I know they both are seriously curious about the Silver Tree, and in reality, so am I. But... I don't like what I am seeing right now. Dark rose red blood dripping down my neck like some bad Halloween costume. Then again, if the tree appears and they all can see it. Then I am not crazy.... If they can't....

Sucking in my breath, I give the mirror a quick peck, before rushing to wipe my face clean.

We all are quiet, expectantly waiting. Soon... Rebecca cries out covering her mouth with both her hands. Hazel breams from ear to ear, unable to contain her excitement. While Luna just nods as if this was expectant, to her it probably is.

The Silver Tree, here in the school's bathroom mirror.

It's a weeping willow, with long sweeping leaves the color of silver emeralds glistening in the sunlight. Branches flutter wide, with roots as thick as trunks rising around them. Mist bellows from around it dissipating a few inches from the image. It's easily the size of my head and right where I kissed the mirror. I can see my lip prints there.

The tree rustles, and something from within the tree moves.

My heart burns with fire, causing me to cough roughly. My fingers sting as if I've stuck them into the snow. A twitch in my gut moves me, something telling me to touch the tree to reach for it. Tears drip down my cheeks soaking my shirt.

Kiro and Raven: Chosen Heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें