Hunting Joke (and my new profile pic)

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A man was out hunting with his friend, when his friend slipped and hit his head on a rock, and his eyes glazed over.  The man panicked and called the police.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"I think my friend's dead!"

Suprised, the woman replied, "Okay sir calm down, the first thing you need to do is make sure he's dead."

Then a gunshot was heard in the background, and the man said, "okay he's dead. what do i do next?"

Author's note: Hi guys! Was wondering if you like my new profile pic or if I should change it.

In the picture there's the pic of me sitting down with my dog Saidy's paws on my shoulders, then on the side there's Mangle, my favorite Animatronic, there's Leo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (even tho Raph is my fave), the Autobot symbol, and at the top a pic of Stitch from Lilo and Stitch just because he's adorable.

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