Tell Me I'm Crazy!

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Okay, here are reasons you should think I'm absolutely crazy:

1: I've been asked out by like five guys, and my first crush was and is on an animated character.

2: Im the oldest of all my friends and I'm still the one that got hooked on Carebears.

3: I laugh whenever a character I don't like gets tortured and died

4: I have photoshopped pictures to make it look like I'm married to an animated character

5: I'm insanely addicted to Transformers and Transformers Prime

6: My crush is on a character from Transformers Prime

7: All my wallpapers are Transformers

8: I have tried 2 different kinds of cat food and one kind of dog biscuits

9: I think spiders are evil minions of the devil

10: I scream at the TV a lot, and people think I'm being murdered or something.

LOL JOKES And MAH ARTWhere stories live. Discover now