That Creepy Guy Comedy Skit

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There's always been that one creepy weird person somewhere in your life. I guarantee it. That's just when your little then  you grow up.  Even now at your job there is a FREAK. There's a weird guy at your job that makes you concerned every time he's around. And the strange thing about it, it's the Same guy at every job you go to. Right?  He's there, you quit, you go the new job and your like, " OH MY GOD ISN'T THAT THE GUY FROM THE OTHER JOB?  THAT'S THE GUY THE SCARY GUY! IT MAKES NO SENSE! IT'S RIDICULOUS! "

I can describe the guy, i can tell you right now, I can list all the features of this guy. First,  he is not a fat guy, you would never say he's fat, but he is... SHAPES. He's always a different consitancy, he's like a lava lamp type of individual. Your like,  "What is that? It's perfect! What is that? YOU WANNA SEE IT but you don't.  YOU WANNA SEE IT but your all set."

Nobody talks to that guy. You don't talk to that guy. He's got the blue blocker glasses, you never see his EYES. He's got the pocket with the whole jubilee of pens coming up outta there in case he has to write a LOT.

Nobody talks to that guy. Your in the break room with your friends right? And you see him come morphing in out of the warehouse,  the second he comes in your like, "Hey do guys wanna get out of the break room?  Do guys wanna... what do you wanna do let's go  break dance on the roof. Yea let's go behind the vending machine. Can someone pull the machine up so I can hide here....Move the machine please...PLEASE? "

Nobody talks to that guy but let me tell ya something: Any job I ever had, I talked to that guy. I would find him on purpose.  I would have little chit chats with him and I'd be very interested,  and I'd be like,"hey by the way here's a snickers.  That's for you. Peanuts caramel put that in your mouth enjoy that. " You know why I talked to that guy? Cuz when that day comes when he  Snaps, and comes to work with a sawed of shotgun,  walking down the halls pew pew pew! He's gonna get to my office and he's gonna be like,"GAASP THANKS FOR THE CANDY..."

I know your laughing now but on Monday when you go to work your gonna be like, "Hey Marcus I bought you some pens for your little collection in your pocket ya know the jubilee of pens in your pocket here have some more yea I see you like pens we should talk about pens yeah I love them pens ink caps I love it all we should have chit chats sometimes yea......... Do you wanna Snickers? "

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