Chapter Seven: Confrontation Before Compromise

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To censure anyone of the life we are given, is distasteful in the manner of appreciating the life that we are gifted. There is no use of censuring that the events that may occur in life are anyone's fault. The righteous things to do, is to be a person of sage and learn from these occurrences. In life we shouldn't real havoc into it with negativity. We have to smile within that light of darkness.

"Jesse, If I am not able to live to see you live your dreams, I want you to know that I am proud of you" He smiles, lifting my chin gently with his index finger.

Still sniffling, I nod and carefully listen to his words. Rarely does Mister Edmond talk to me with such gentleness. I have to take this all in.

"Princess, I'm hard on you because I believe in you. I swear and raise hell because I know there's a dragon inside of this tiny body. Jesse..." He pauses.

I give him my full gaze, examining his eyes. He paused, not to gather his thoughts. He paused to gather his emotions. I've never witnessed a tear cascading down my fathers cheeks, let alone tears.

For the first time, I witnessing this strong man, finally breaking down before me.

Without little thought. I off my only notion of sympathy, a hug.

Tightly I wrap my limbs around his neck, breathing in his infamous scent of starlight peppermint and cinnamon.

What a lovely smell.

"I know daddy. I will make you proud. Don't cry. I will" I whisper, longing for the hug to last for ever.

Unfortunately his moment of weakness lasted no longer than three minutes before he carefully pulled away and gently gripped at my wrists.

"I'm not crying for sadness Jesse. You shouldn't either. You work your ass off, not to cry okay? I don't ever want to see you crying again. If you want something than princess, you have get off your ass and get it. Work to the bone of you have to. Life isn't easy. It isn't easy for me and it damn sure wasn't easy for Jesus okay?" He preaches, the softness of his previous tone easing away with every word.

"Now..." He lulls, slowly releasing me.

"Stand up and do it over again. I didn't like that shit you put together the first time" He fully returns, standing upright.

Hoarding out previous moment, I mentally translate his voguer command and confidently stand to my feet. As I begin to hoist myself onto my toes, I catch a glimpse of my father.

Mister Edmond disappeared for just a moment. That moment have me all the reassurance of my fathers words. Life isn't easy, you have to fight and work hard for what you want.

My fight has alway been beyond dancing. I've fought for a lot, and will continue to do so.

No matter what.

Each and everyday, I watch my world change. Everyday that a new change is applied to my life, I inhale the prayer of positivity and exhale the promise of relief. I'm highly aware of change being inevitable, but my mind still revolve with questions.

Is there a limit to change? How do I differentiate good change and bad change?

"You can't go around questioning life Jesse. Yeah, things are going to get tougher, but that doesn't mean you get scared and panic. I'm sure your father has taught you to face life with an iron mind, but still be able to remove that iron when need be" Bill stressed to me after a mention of my recent paranoia.

Bill is absolutely correct. I have to stop panicking. I have to stop worrying. This life that I live, was blueprinted before me way before I decided to accept it. I have to learn to accept this new life and it's new challenges. I have to, for the sake of Michael.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️Where stories live. Discover now