Strike First

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It was the morning and I wake up with the sunshine hitting my eyes and the birdies singing in my window.

Actually it was my stupid ass little brother jumping on top of me.

"Get off of me you little shit!!!!" I screamed at hit and run behind him until we got to the kitchen were my dad was ready with our breakfast "I'm gonna kill you!!!"

"Hey we don't talk like that in this house, calm down hunny have your breakfast" my dad said massaging my shoulders, he knows I hate that

"Whatever, can I have some coffee?" I ask mom

"No your to young" she looked at like I was crazy

"I'm 16" she didn't say anything "I'm going out" I stand up and got my car keys

"Honey your in piyamas!!!" my dad screamed to me

"I Know"

I went to McDonalds to get an iced coffee, because let's be real Starbucks is overrated. I went home and my parents were dressed formal, well let's be real there always dressed like that it's kinda there thing or whatever.

"Hey Dav we're going to the beach club wanna go?" my mom asked me kinda knowing what I was going to say


"Hunny come it would... wait you say sure?" she was shocked to say the least

"Yeah... Aisha called and say she was going so..., just let me change real quick" I went to room and put on a bikini and some shorts and a t-shirt on top "is Sam going?"

"No, she's gonna hang out with her new friends"

"What about Aisha?"

"Hunny you more then anyone know how much Sam wants to popular, like you"

"Yeah but I'm popular because I'm awesome, not because of who I chose to be friends with, besides Yasmine is bad news believe me"

"Come on let's go"


I was with mom at the bar of the club, just chillin.

"You know I would've killed to visite a club like this when I was his age, you know where I hung out in the summer?" my mom hummed like she was interested "On a filthy street I Newark with a broken..."

"A broken fire hydrant next to your aunt Tessie, you give me that speech 3 years in a row, we know the story" I said rolling my eyes

My parents ordered some drinks while I try to order one but mom give me a dirty look.

"Hey LaRusso, still kicking the competition?" Aisha's dad walk towards us with her behind him

"You know it, Isaiah" my dad shake his hand while I went and hugged Aisha "How's the Q5 treating you?"

"Wouldn't know, this one over here's been behind the wheel all month going back and forth to robot camp" he brag about his daughter, she's really smart and really cool

"Dad, it's an AP physics prep course" she correct him kinda shy

"That so cool, i wish I had the brains to go to something like that" I said laughing

"Hey, where's Samantha? I feel like I haven't seen her all summer" she asked me and my parents

"She's with her grandma, but I tell her you said hi" my mom interrupted me and my dad

"Later LaRussos" her dad said

"Hey Aisha want to go to the golf yard?" I asked her

"Yeah sure" we left my parents in the bar and we went to the golf yard, not really to play, but just sit in the grass and talk about summer.

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