All In

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I got a text from Hawk telling me to go to the tattoo place. When I got there a saw a some guys from Cobra Kai.

"Hey Assface, where's Hawk?" I asked him

"His at the chair getting his tattoo finish" he told me pointing at the direction where he was, so I went there and saw Hawk with red hair.

"Hey copycat" a said to him

"Hey sweetheart, you like it?" He asked with pain in his voice.

The guy was making the Mohawk of his tattoo red too.

"I love it" I said sitting next to him

"There you go, brother" Rico said to him when he finished

"Thanks Rico" Hawk said while getting up from the chair

When he got up I saw there was a snake in his chest, similar to the one I have in my back.

"Did you got that for me?" I said touching his chest

"Of course I did sweetheart" he said grabbing my cheeks and bringing me up for a kiss, when we pulled out from each other he called the guys "Hey, asshole twins, grab my bag, we're out"


We were in the dojo and the Sensei's were teaching us how to get out of neck grip.

"Ok pay attention, he's got my neck, I've got his elbow, if I try to break out..." Sensei L. Said while trying to get out of the grip

"I dig in and I put him to sleep" Sensei K. Said while applying more pressure to his neck

"If I go for his ribs..." Sensei L. Try to elbow his ribs

"He completely exposes his chest" and went for a knee to the chest

"Two difficult choices, what do you do?" Sensei L. said to us

Then he kicked Kreese leg and they both fell off.

"You damn the consequences and you power forward" Sensei L said

"You may get hurt, but nobody wins by doing nothing"Sensei K. Said

"You make a choice, you make a move, you go...All in" Sensei L. Said to all of us


I was sitting with the girls at a restaurant, all of Cobra Kai was here actually but we were all at different tables.

"Oh my god Yasmine has the same bikini as me" Moon said to us showing me the picture

"Oh my god Moon I thought you were over that valley girl talk" I said to he taking in my valley girl accent, she just punched me in the arm playfully

"Tell he she can stay in France" Aisha said to her, she is never going to forget what Yasmine did to her, and neither am I.

I saw Tory throwing ice to Miguel, trying to flirt with him, but my boy is clueless.

Hawk walked towards us giving me a kiss in the forehead and then making his way to were Chris and Mitch are sitting.

I was drinking my water when I saw all the guys and Hawk walking towards the door they looked super pissed, and I know my boyfriend he looks like he could murder someone, so I get up and run towards them.

"Hey what's going on?, where are you guys going?" I asked them and all the guys turned to Hawk scared

"Don't worry princess I'll handle it" Hawk tried to go but I grabbed his arm to stop him

"Where are you going?" I asked again

He lets out a deep breath and looks at Mitch and nods his head, then Mitch hands me his phone where there is a Yelp review.

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