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I was at lunch sitting with Aisha and listening to the student counselor.

"Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face" the counselor was talking and literally no one was paying attention to her "I'm not gonna name names but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity"

"How clueless is she? Is she stupid or something?" I said to Aisha feeling bad for Eli

"Calm down, your gonna make it worst for him" she said back to me

"But today our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students"

"She is such and idiot I just can't with her, you know she was probably a cheerleader on high school and that's why she doesn't get what actually bullying is" I said getting angry at her

"Great know I can only imagine her on a cheerleading outfit because of you" Aisha said making me laugh

"And one last thing, while we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure are costumes are culturally sensitive, for example, instead of "sexy nurse" maybe try "gender-neutral hospital employee""

I heard Aisha moving her chair toward Sam.

"Hey! I got a great idea for our costume this year, I was thinking I go as sodium and you go as chloride, and when people ask what we are, we do this" and she pours salt in the table making me and Sam laugh

"What is that, some dumb inside joke you guys have?" Yasmin trying to bring Aisha down, not this time hunny

"Sodium Chloride is Salt brainless Barbie"

"I knew that, I was kidding" Yasmine no you didn't shut up

"We actually decided to go as Lakers girls" Sam said to her "best friend" "But maybe we could order another"

"They're one size fits all which suddenly seems like false advertising" if you criticize my friends body you automatically give full permission to criticize yours biatch.

"So are you sure it's gonna fit in your 12 year old boy body hunny?"

Aisha and I move back to our table ignoring Sam and her friends.

"I can be Salt with you if want" I said to Aisha

"No, it's fine you already have a plan and besides I don't think you want to wear a costume that I made for your sister" she said laughing

"Yeah your right, just remember you don't need Sam, ok?, you have me know" I give he a side hug


We were eating diner and Sam was talking about what happened at the cafeteria with Aisha, I wasn't really paying attention until dad talked.

"Speaking of the dance I got an e-mail from the school, they're locking for chaperones, they seem desperate" oh no, dad no no

"Yeah no kidding, who wants to spend their Friday night in a sweaty gym?" exactly mom, no one wants that tell that to your fucking husband damn it

"Well your off the hook, I said I'd do it"

Me and Samantha drop our forks at the same time, looking at dad like he was crazy.

"What? Come on, counselor Blatt and I go way back, I couldn't leave her hanging"

"Just when I thought I couldn't hate that women more!!" I got up and went to my room, but I obviously went back for my plate y wasn't finish.

I was getting my costume ready for tomorrow night when I hear a knock on my door .

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