Feel the Night

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Dad and I went to Miyagi-Do to fix some things when we opened the door and saw Sam and Miguel making out on the floor.

"Whoa,whoa!" Dad said in shock

"Ew ew ew ew!!!!" I said in shock as well

"Dad!, Davina!" Sam said mad

"Sorry, Uh ... is that my drum in your pocket?" Dad asked Miguel


I was trying not to laugh while dad was walking in circles frustrated after seeing her daughter making out on the floor with a guy.

"Look I'm sorry, Dad, I should have told you that I invited Miguel over" Sam said to him

"New rule, if you're gonna bring boys over to the dojo, leave the door open, and that's for both of you" dad said

"What if we invite a girl?" I asked him and he looked at me shocked "What I'm not coming out, I'm just curious gosh!"

"Come on dad, it's not 1984" Sam said ignoring my comment

"Look...you're growing up, you're young women now, ok?, I get it, I just feel like in this past year, there's been Kyler and Miguel and Robby, now back to Miguel, seems like you're adding more drama to your life than you need, just imagine if Robby knew Miguel was back in the picture" Dad said to Sam and she looked down

"Uh I know that look, he already knows?" I asked her

"He came back last night, when I was here with Miguel" Sam said to us

"And he saw you two..." dad said implying something so I looked at her with my eyebrows riced

"No! God, dad!" Sam said embarrassed

"What I saw it!" Dad said

"Yeah I saw that too" I said racing my hand

"I know it's been a lot, can you please try to remember that I'm still your daughter?" Sam said to him "And that you can trust me"

"Is not you I don't trust Sam" dad said to her

"Miguel's chanced, he's a good person, he's not Cobra Kai number one bully, he's not even in cobra Kai anymore" Sam said to him and he looked at me for my opinion

"He's not like Hawk" I said to him

"Maybe your right" he said to her.


"Knock knock" Sam said on the other side of my door

"There's no one here" I said while keep reading my book

"I have a plan" she said coming inside my room

"For what?" I asked sitting in my bed

"To defeat Cobra Kai" she said making me got interested

"What is it?" I asked her

"Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fangs are becoming one" she said to me

"Ok... that's a good plan, but how are we gonna convince everyone to do it, especially Johnny and dad" I said to her

"That's what we're gonna do right now, get ready, we're having a party" she said and got out of my room


"We'll, this Christmas party is turning out to be ho ho horrible" Demetri said sitting in our couch

"Yeah Sam, I thought you said your parents gonna be out for the night, so why aren't we throwing a rager?" Chris asked Sam

"There's a keg on the way, it's just gonna be a few more minutes" Sam said to the guys

"Can we at least put on a Christmas special? I'd even watch that creepy one with the little elf dentist" Demetri said making me and Sam frowned "Yeah I'm that bored"

The door bell rang making everyone turn around to the door.

"It's here" Sam said opening the door revealing Miguel and the rest of eagle fang.

"What the..." "No way!" All the guys said while standing up "oh hell no!, you gotta be kidding me" Chris said

"What the hell are you doing here?, this isn't a keg party" Mitch said looking at Miguel "I bought this hat for nothing?"

"Wait you parent trapped us? Why?" Demetri asked us

"Look I know we haven't always gotten along, but cobra Kai is the bigger threat now, to all of us" Sam said

"We think we'd stand a better chance against them if we joined forces, two dojos are stronger then one" Miguel said to them making them whispered into each other

"Look I know we've all done shitty things to each other" I said and got interrupted by Chris

"Yeah like breaking Demetri's arm" Chris said to Mitch

"You started that fight" Mitch said

"After you almost got me fired!" Chris said back

"God I hate your stupid face so much" Bert said to another guy

"If you died I wouldn't even attend you funeral" the guy said back

"Quiet!!!!" I shouted and everyone stopped talking "Huh! That actually works"

"We have one last chance to make things right" Sam said to us

"Alone we're nothing, but if we work together, we have a shot" i said

"If we can't get over the past, the fighting will never end" Sam said

"We have to confront our enemies, this rivalry has to stop" I said

"On way or another" we both said

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