Chapter 5

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The next couple of years passed by like any other and Shannon’s ‘matchmaking career’ flourished. She had gained confidence again but rather than returning to her old self, she had become an opinionated and arrogant person. Her old easy-going demeanour had all but disappeared after her Mother’s death. She just kept telling herself she was growing up and nothing could be done about it. Never once did she think back to that dreaded day. Even after the nightmares she convinced herself it was just that... a dream.

After she and Nathan graduated, they went out for a celebratory dinner with John and Brian. As they walked toward the restaurant, Shannon lagged behind while Brian and Nathan chatted together. It was an unusual scene. Usually it would be Nathan lagging behind while Brian and Shannon bantered. Those days were long gone.

During dinner, Shannon found herself barely paying attention to the conversation. It was only when she spotted Brigit from a couple of years earlier that she perked up again. Excusing herself from the table she went over to her.

“Hi Brigit.” Shannon greeted.

Brigit looked up. “Shannon!” She embraced her. “I’m so happy to see you. I have some great news!”

Edward appeared at that moment with a smile from ear to ear and Shannon instantly knew. She shrieked in excitement and embraced Brigit. “You’re engaged, aren’t you?”

Brigit nodded excitedly and displayed her diamond ring. “He just proposed!”

“That’s fantastic news guys! Well make sure you let me know when you get married, I’ll pop by and check it out.”

“You’ll be invited, Shannon! After all you’ve done.”

She shrugged. “Well it wasn’t much.”

“Oh but it was!”

Shannon spotted the waiter appearing at her table with the food. “Oh look I have to run but keep in contact, okay?”

She waved goodbye and joined her party. Brian looked at her quizzically but she just smiled at him.

They started eating then Shannon said, “Hey Nate, do you remember Brigit and Edward from school?”

He scrunched up his nose as he thought. “Oh yeah, what about them?”

“They just got engaged.”

“Really? But they’ve only just graduated too, right?”

“So? What’s that got to do with anything?”

“It just seems so sudden.”

Shannon shrugged. “I hardly see why that matters. But anyway, you can thank me for that successful outcome.”

All three people looked at her in confusion. She wasn’t at all fazed by their reaction. She just laughed then said, “I matched them up! Fantastic, right?”

She went back to eating and ignored the concerned gazes around the table. No one said anything but it was obvious they were concerned. That was not the Shannon they once knew and only John knew the reason why.

Four Years Later

“She’s been in a mood for days.” Brian said in exasperation.

“Just leave her be.” Nathan said. “She’ll get over it.”

“C’mon, Nate it’s not that easy. You can’t deny how different she has become over the last few years.”

“She’s just grown up, that’s all. You can’t expect her to be all chummy with us now that we’re older. It was different as teenagers, we didn’t care what people thought.”

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