Chapter 15

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Brian stormed out of the room and ignored Nathan’s gaze. He wasn’t in the mood for sympathy. Knowing it hadn’t gone well; Nathan decided to wait for the right time to get anything out of Brian.

In the car Brian voluntarily relayed the conversation. They tried to make sense about why Shannon had acted that way but in the end they concluded that nothing could be done. Shannon was set in her ways; they just had to hope one day she would come to her senses. In the meantime Brian would stick to his resolve and move away. A fresh start was what he needed. Perhaps being away from Shannon would mean he could focus on having a normal life. Something he hadn’t had in a long time. Perhaps he would even fall in love with another girl, a girl who returned his feelings.

It was at least five minutes later before Shannon realised she hadn’t moved. She was in a state of shock as she realised she had let her best friend walk away. The guilt ate away at her. If there was anything she wanted to do, it was to turn time back and change things. Everything had happened so fast. Despite her constant thoughts of wanting to speak to him, what she would say never crossed her mind. Now that it had been and gone everything was ruined.

Thinking back to Brian’s touch and the chemistry she felt, she wondered if she did share the same feelings for him but had lead herself to believe they didn’t exist. That wasn’t certain though and she wasn’t going to depress herself by that thought. In the end she pushed it to a place where she knew it would be safe - to the back of her mind. Just before doing so she had another fleeting thought that perhaps she should pay Brian a visit and confessing everything. The moment it flitted through her mind she refused to think about it. Instead it joined the other thought where they were both then locked away permanently. After all, it would be an extremely bad idea. It would only make matters worse and she didn’t want that.

She debated talking to Nathan but decided to wait a day or two until things had settled for good. Until that time she would lay low. No she wouldn’t go to the extreme like the last week; she would just put off seeing Nathan for a few days.

Sitting down on her bed she started thinking about Amy and decided she owed her a visit and an apology. Whilst Amy had told her she didn’t hold a grudge, Shannon still wanted to do the right thing and explain. Perhaps if she told Amy she would feel comfortable about telling other people, especially Brian. The only problem that posed was whether Brian would ever want to speak to her again. Something told her that wouldn’t happen for a long time, if ever.

Half an hour later another knock sounded on her door. She groaned inwardly, she didn’t want any more visitors. Realising it would most likely be her father though; she decided to see who it was. She felt bad for ignoring him.

A surge of relief flooded through her at the sight of her father. He held out his arms to her and she fell into them gratefully. She sobbed into his shirt and for the first time in days, started to feel that she could begin to let go of the past. At long last.

“I’m so sorry!” Shannon cried. “I know I’ve disappointed you and I know I’ve hurt you but I need to know you forgive me. I need someone to forgive me!”

John held his daughter close and soothed her. Finally there was a breakthrough.

“It’s okay Shannon, of course I forgive you. And I know Nathan does too, he told me so.”

Shannon looked up at him through tear filled eyes. “He’s the only exception.  I know for a fact that Brian hates me -”

“I’m sure he doesn’t hate you.”

“He was angry when he left just then.”

“Well that’s true but give him time to accept it then I’m sure he’ll calm down. Then you can sort it out with him.”

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