Chapter 4

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Over the next few days the three friends spent their time hiking and relaxing. Apart from that one incident, they never snapped at each other. They were just three close friends enjoying a weekend away.

When the last day of their weekend away arrived, they hiked their way back down the hill toward the car with heavy hearts. They loaded the car and Brian placed the last of the camping gear in the boot then wiped the sweat from his brow. Realising his shirt was practically soaking he removed it and wiped his face with the only dry patch.

“Oi! Get a shirt on.” Shannon remarked coming up to him and poking him in the ribs. “There’s a female member of this party you realise?”

“Where?” Brian looked around him.

Shannon punched him in the arm playfully. “Watch what you say Brian Thompson.”

“You’re pretty much one of us Shannon Maxwell. I don’t see you as a girl anymore.”

“Gee thanks a lot! You know how to destroy a woman’s confidence.”

Brian laughed and threw his dirty shirt in the back of the car. A few moments later Nathan emerged from the shrubs. Upon noticing Brian was topless he stumbled backwards, his eyes wide with shock.

“You can’t walk around with your top off when we’re not at the pool! Shannon’s here!”

“Aw c’mon, she’s one of us Nate.” Brian slapped him on the back. “She can handle a bit of muscle and manly physique.”

Shannon snorted. “Muscle? Even Nathan has more muscle than you and he doesn’t work out!”

Brian pretended to look hurt. “You cut me real deep there Shannon.”

Shannon giggled and jumped in the front of the car before Nathan could beat her. Brian got in the driver’s seat while Nathan sulkily got in the back seat.

“Why do I get the back?” Nathan whined.

“Because you were in the front on the way here.” Shannon said. “Besides I’m so sunburnt, I need to stretch my legs.”

“Yeah, yeah any excuse. You owe me one Shannon.”

They drove away from the campsite and back to the Gold Coast. They turned the music up loud and everyone sang along badly yet happily.

The tape from Roses Revived stopped toward the end of their travels and they all fell silent as they reflected on the weekend. Their camping trip meant they hadn’t showered for three days and they had had minimal sleep so they were all tired, dirty and desperate for a normal bed. On the other hand they were relaxed and on top of the world. At that moment nothing else mattered and their lives were perfect. The summer holidays were one of the best they had ever spent together and they still had 4 weeks left.

Half an hour later they arrived back in town and Shannon was the first to be dropped back home. She removed her things from the boot of the car, waved goodbye and ran inside the house.

“Mum? Are you home?”

Julie emerged from the lounge with her reading glasses half way down her nose. She smiled at Shannon and removed the glasses completely.

“I was wondering when you would get back. How was your weekend?”

“Brilliant! I don’t remember ever having such a good time with those two.”

“That’s good to hear.” Julie scrunched up her nose. “I think you need a shower.”

“What do you expect? I haven’t showered for three days! Tell you what, I’m going to shower then I’ll cook dinner okay? I remember our agreement.”

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